The Hidden Web

There are currently more than 555 million unique domains for surface level websites that the average internet user can access. But there are 500 times that number of hidden sites that aren’t obvious to most. These sites are referred to as the Deep Web, which often gets a negative connotation in our modern media. The […]

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Growing Up: One Tweet at a Time

At the humble beginning of the semester I had a whopping 162 followers, each one of which I was quite proud. But now after an entire semester of learning about how to do it right I have 208 followers, which is pretty cool. Most consisted of personal friends and people I know from #InRealLife. But […]

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Doing well by doing good? Normative tensions underlying Twitter’s corporate social responsibility ethos

This presentation looks at the mission statement and Corporate Social Responsibility claims of Twitter, comparing the company’s actions with their claims. Twitter brands itself as a positive civic actor and a force for good by providing an open forum for discussion, organization and dissemination of important information. However, as a private business funded by investors, […]

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