Man Bun Viral Challenge: Part 2


The Man Bun Campaign was inspired by my strong love for man buns. Man buns are a relatively new trend and hairstyle that many men seem to be taking part in and many women and other men seem to be liking. Man buns are simply a hairstyle, but have become more than that on social media. There are various Twitter and Instagram accounts, @manbunmonday is one of my favorites, that regularly post photos of attractive men with man buns. The BuzzFeed poll I created that drives this campaign is titled “Do You Actually Prefer Man Buns Or Short Hair On Guys?” It allows poll takers to decide which hairstyle they like best on a celebrity, either a man bun or short hair. The Man Bun Social Media Marketing Plan Campaign seeks to promote this post and get it in front of people who care deeply about man buns.



The main objective of this campaign and assignment is to use Twitter Ad Website Cards to increase involvement with the BuzzFeed post in order to get it promoted and go VIRAL! After all, this is called the Viral Content Challenge. By creating two unique Twitter Ad Cards and an original photo and video for my BuzzFeed post on man buns, I hope to drive clicks and engagement on both the tweets and Facebook post supporting the post and the post itself, which is most important.




Twitter Webcard:

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Although my post didn’t go viral, I found that spending just $5 on the Twitter Ad Campaign really helped my BuzzFeed post. I was able to make 3,184 impressions within the Twitter community. If I had just posted a tweet on my personal account with only 34 followers, I would have received a lot less views on my post. By spending money on Twitter Ads, I was able to reach more people, get more interaction with my tweets, and draw more people to my BuzzFeed post. I found that tagging relevant accounts and hashtags in my tweets allowed me to reach a wider audience. For example, I tagged a popular account @ManbunGoals, in one of my tweets and they actually retweeted it. Tagging and connecting relevant accounts was a great strategy for my campaign.

However, my post did not go viral on BuzzFeed. I only received 150 total views on my post and my goal was to reach 30,000. I think my post didn’t go viral because I was too focused on creating a post that would go viral and I lost my unique voice. Despite this defeat, I will continue creating BuzzFeed community posts to hopefully go viral one day!

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