Flower Crowns, The Jenner Sisters, and the Return of Kesha: Coachella 2016

It’s that time of year again: Coachella. like if you wish you were at Coachella rn 🌞 — Coachella 2016 (@CoacheIIas16) April 17, 2016 This weekend was the kick-off for this years Coachella Music Festival. Known for it’s abundance of flower crowns, celebrity sightings, and performances, the music festival has become the unofficial start to […]

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Like my Photo or I Don’t Like You Anymore: Social Media and Modern-day Relationships

Social media has allowed people to gain popularity among peers, be it ones in their hometown or ones in another country. The things we do for hundreds of likes could be classified as “insane” or “attention-seeking”. We’ve seen celebrities turn to Twitter to feud with one another not because they are deeply passionate over an […]

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