Throughout the semester I gained 30 followers and my final follower count for the semester is 267, this is a 12.65% percent increase. The best ways to gain followers would be to tweet relatable content, tag the right influencers and use relevant hashtags/ media to get the content (and your profile) in front of more […]

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Influencer/Top 10 Tweets

Twitter Follower Growth: Start: 24 End: 42 Percent Gain: 75% Analysis: I felt that I added followers in a plethora of ways, which helped me branch out and be followed by a diverse group of people.  I was able to get retweeted by one of my favorite hockey journalists, which added a few hockey fan followers, […]

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Recap: My Twitter journey

In only four months, I have learned how to find, share and tell my best news stories through Twitter. This class prepared me to find the right people and influencers that would make my stories powerful and influential. Being very active in twitter was definitely a best way to increase my Klout score and number […]

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My Growth on Twitter

Twitter was never a huge social media platform for me until I started this class.  Now, I feel like I know the ins and outs of the platform and even backend analytics I had no idea existed.  When I first joined this class, I had measly 7 followers.  Now, I have 88 with a 151% […]

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