Do Memes Represent The 2010s?

Jack Douglass, known on his social platforms and primary media outlet of YouTube as Jacksfilms, is a YouTube content creator who creates content ranging from meme discussions to parodies. Douglass posted to his Twitter account @jacksfilms with 1.8 million followers stating “summarize the 2010s… in just 4 words. Use #YIAY10s so I can find ya”

Over 1.7k mentions have responded to his tweet with the hashtag #YIAY10s—and likely due to the genres of content he produces, his followers responded similarly to the hashtag. Many responses to Douglass’s hashtag relate to memes—mostly mentioning how memes have represented the 2010’s in a positive way.

The following tweets were posted to highlight how memes have positively affected the 2010s:

In contrast, a small amount of Twitter users used this hashtag to highlight their negative feelings towards memes in the 2010s. The following tweets exemplify this:

With over 1.7k responses to Douglass’s tweet with the hashtag #YIAY10s, it is interesting how the audience of Douglass approach their responses in a way Douglass himself would likely approach as well. Could those who have responded with ideas that do not align with Douglass’s not be his supporters, and just be contributing to the trending hashtag?

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