Love it or hate it, there is no denying that The Masked Singer has captured the attention of the nation. The highest-rated network show for the 2018-2019 broadcast season, features a panel of celebrity judges and celebrity talent. But what makes The Masked Singer a phenomenon? It’s the mystery! America has been anxiously scrambling to figure out which famous individual is behind each mask.
Perhaps the biggest star of the season is the Rottweiler. Many are certain that Chris Daughtry, a seasoned voice competition star, is behind the mask.
Rottweiler is Daughtry. That voice belongs to Chris Daughtry.
— MaksimsMafia (@MaksimsMafia) November 21, 2019
@CHRIS_Daughtry, whenever you un-masked (
) PLEASE release a full version of castle on the hill. i NEED it. thank you
. keep up the amazing singing. 🥰 @MaskedSingerFOX #RottweilerMask #maskedsinger
— Meggey
(@queen_meggey) November 29, 2019
Why is this even a question… @CHRIS_Daughtry doin our old school district proud up there as the #RottweilerMask
— Jessie Ann Carter (@JessieAnnCarter) November 28, 2019
I sure hope #RottweilerMask wins (aka) Chris daughtry who is awesome
(@Candyledet1) November 23, 2019
However, not everyone is convinced that Daughtry is the voice behind the Rottweiler Mask. In fact, many have taken to body attributes and dancing habits to prove otherwise.
I’m willing to bet #RottweilerMask is NOT #ChrisDaughtry; his body habitus is not the same as Daughtry’s, and his voice, while similar, is NOT quite as deep as #ChrisDaughtry’s!
— Laura (@LLP4321) November 23, 2019
I absolutely adore the #RottweilerMask but I know that it's not Chris Daughtry. I can tell by the tone of the voice and knowing that Chris doesn't dance when he performs.
— Celeste Keenan (@platinumbgurl) December 1, 2019
Chris Daughtry or not, one thing is certain, the singer behind the Mask possesses a talent like no other. The Rottweiler is a strong contender for the finals.