The hashtag I decided to analyze is #pumpkinspicelatte. The reason I chose this hashtag is because I know many people who have very strong feelings about this drink, so I wanted to see how people on Twitter felt.
Which drinks at #Starbucks do you guys drool over? My personal favorite is the #pumpkinspicelatte
— 7thwaveart (@7thwaveart27) December 4, 2019
This tweet shows a handmade drawing of a girl drinking a pumpkin spice latte while commenting in the caption that that is her favorite Starbucks drink.
Immediately develops craving for out-of-season #pumpkinspicelatte
— Keith Factcheck
(@acidkeith) December 3, 2019
This user tweeted about how even though the pumpkin spice latte just went out of season, the moment he knows he is unable to buy it when he wants makes him crave it immediately.
@Starbucks you get a big FAT "F" today. How do you put pumpkin spice latte's "out of season" the day before Thanksgiving. Without Thanksgiving there'd be no pumpkin spice lattes! #starbucksfail #pumpkinspicelatte
— Tell (@TellyTell) November 27, 2019
Continuing on the fact that pumpkin spice lattes are sold at Starbucks for a limited time only, this girl became incredibly angry that this iconic and coveted drink was not longer available by the day before Thanksgiving, which she found to infuriating.
As #PumpkinSpiceLatte season begins to wind down, I feel compelled to one again profess my love for it. Or is it an addiction? My writeup for @PsychToday sheds some light on the matter in case you share my plight:
— Gregg McBride (@GreggMcBride) November 26, 2019
This person is tweeting about about his love for fall drinks and pumpkin spice latte season, while also promoting an article he wrote about just how intense that love for fall drinks is.
At Idaho™️ we like Pumpkins…
We like Spice…
We like Lattés….
But NEVER together, NEVER !
( oh and we pay our taxes too )
Here is my 10 second #TikTok of how to make a #PumpkinSpiceLatte
Happy Christmas you lovely people.
— Richard Jacob (@idahocafe) December 2, 2019
On the opposite end of this heated debate, this person tweeted out a Tik Tok they had made that shows just how much they hate pumpkin spice lattes, which shows him smashing up the ingredients by dropping a sledge hammer on them.
A traditional #pumpkinspicelatte can cost you when it comes to sugar and empty calories. Real #pumpkin, on the other hand, is incredibly nutritious. #PSL
— Fit Mother Project (@fitmotherproj) November 28, 2019
This account tweeted about the negatives of pumpkin spice lattes due to the high amounts of calories and sugar in them which completely offset any benefits that the pumpkin itself has for your body.