Erica Wilk Viral Content Challenge

Artificial Intelligence, especially Siri is something that has become an integrated part of many millennials everyday lives.  People use Siri to ask simple questions, find directions from point A to point B, or to play a specific song.  Siri allows people to complete tasks without their hands, which has changed the way people live their lives.  Siri is a lifesaver, so we should be thanking him, her, or them.  Siri is something that mostly everyone is familiar with, so it has a higher chance of going viral because of its wide range of users that will understand my tweet. For my social media marketing plan, my ultimate idea was to create relatable content.  My reasoning behind that was that if my content was relatable, it had a higher chance of going viral.  I came to that conclusion because I always find myself tagging my friends in relatable memes because the given meme has described a time in my life, an obstacle, or it is simply funny.  I scroll through Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter and notice that majority of comments are people tagging their friends, so I know I am not alone. I started to brainstorm things that I commonly use as a college student.  My first idea was to incorporate easy-mac, but the class did not react the way I hoped to that proposal.  I had to start fresh, and Siri came to my mind.  Siri is most definitely something people of all ages can relate to, so I was going to stick with that.  I wanted to make my tweet funny and relatable, so I knew that sarcasm was a good place to start.  I drafted “Am I a bad person if I don’t say “thank you” to Siri?”  I ran it by a few friends to see their reactions, and they laughed – so I went with it.

As mentioned earlier, my goal was to create a tweet that was relatable, in order to gain more engagements.  In my social media marketing plan, I said that I wanted to “Get people to reply and tag their friends because they can relate to it, have had the debate of whether they think they should thank Siri, or just find the tweet funny.”  My measurable objectives were  to have high engagement – over 45 engagements (Retweets, favorites, and replies) and over 1,000 impressions.

  • Metrics Report:
    • Impressions – 1,154 
      Total Engagements – 113
      Total engagements 113
      Detail expands
      Profile clicks
  • Analysis
    • Overall, I was very pleased with the overall impressions and engagements.  I was definitely nervous while making the marketing plan because I am not an active twitter user, do not have many followers, and am not too familiar with the twitter crowd.  I was hoping that the relatability of my tweet would make up for that.  I also followed around 50 accounts hoping to receive more followers to possibly engage with my tweet. I hoped that by tagging meme accounts and DMing meme accounts a screenshot of my tweet, I could catch their attention and possibly be retweeted by an account with many followers. Unfortunately, my tweet was not picked up by any Twitter celebrities, but I still gained followers.  I also hoped that people would tag their friends in a reply to my tweet (mentioned in my marketing plan), but most of the engagements were “likes” and retweets, which is still great engagement.  I stand behind my tweet being relatable, and I believe that if I had more followers on twitter and was an active tweeter, my tweet would have gained much more engagement.  I know that humorous content is appreciated by all types of people, so if my personal followers audience was larger, I probably would have gained more engagements from them, which would lead to engagements from their followers, as well.  I think that Siri was a good topic to focus on because it is always current and is used by people of all ages and backgrounds, which is relevant to virality.

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