How I Became a Better Tweeter


Over the last few months I have used several tools to try to get more Twitter engagement. Below are my top 10 tweets since February accompanied by a brief description of the techniques I used to engage more followers.

Impressions: 1,278 Engagement: 53 Engagement rate: 4.1%

For this tweet I made sure to edit the photo so that the entire photo showed on the timeline. I also added text on top of the photo and used hashtags used by Serial and Serial fans.

Impressions: 967 Engagement: 30 Engagement rate: 3.1%

Here I used Twitter Ads to make a card with an action button that links to my video story, I also tagged the company that the feature is on to engage with them and their followers.

Impressions: 543 Engagement: 39 Engagement rate: 7.2%

Here I used the same technique as the previous tweet but I posted it in the morning instead of late at night when I posted the previous story. This tweet got less engagement, possibly an indicator that my tweets are seen more when I post in the evening.

Impressions: 346 Engagement: 3 Engagement rate: 0.9%

For this tweet I used one of the trending week-day hashtags, #WednesdayWisdom, and used one of my favorite quotes.

Impressions: 345 Engagement: 2 Engagement rate: 0.6%

This tweet was meant to make a difference, attract people to an issue that I think is important: human trafficing. I used a compelling quote from the story that I attached a link to and used the hashtag of the human trafficing prevention organization.

Impressions: 276 Engagement: 20 Engagement rate: 7.2%

When making this tweet I made sure to use a photo of Erika Green, tag the popular show that she writes for, tag the university, and used the event hashtag. I also used an emoji and compelling quote that she said in the discussion.

Impressions: 250 Engagement: 23 Engagement rate: 9.2%

I used four pictures in a Twitter collage for this tweet. I also tagged all of the popular journalists.

Impressions: 214 Engagement: 1 Engagement rate: 0.5%

Here I gave an update on an event that day and an event the following week for followers to anticipate. I also used the trending hashtag for the debate and the general #primary hashtag. I included a link about the debate and Super Tuesday.

Impressions: 204 Engagement: 3 Engagement rate: 1.5%

I used the tending hashtag #ICYMI hashtag for this tweet to tweet about something that had already passed, but may have missed the attention of some followers. I tagged the group the tweet was about, used the trending Grammy’s hashtag, used an emoji, and linked to the story.

Impressions: 195 Engagement: 5 Engagement rate: 2.6%

Here I offered a Twitter list I created of compiled election related tweets and included a link to the list.



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I began with 86 followers and ended the semester with 127 followers. In addition, I started with a Klout score of 18 and finished with a score of 29. Before this semester I rarely used twitter except rarely when I was out filming for a story and had time to tweet about it. Not only do I think my increase in tweets helped increase my influence on Twitter, but I also think the way I tweet has made a huge difference. Most of the tools I learned this semester I did not know about before such as using Twitter ads for free to create clickable cards, resizing photo on your Iphone to make sure the entire photo is visible on people’s timelines, or how to simply make a photo collage via Twitter. I think all the tools I have learned will help my tweets reach more of my followers because I will be able to present information in a more captivating way.

2 thoughts on “How I Became a Better Tweeter

  1. Your Twitter influence is huge. I’m curious to know how you built that prior to this class. Your most influential tweets are very professional and are very media oriented. Do you see a better response rate network to network?

  2. The number of followers you gained in addition to the increase in your Klout score is really impressive. I had a similar increase in my Klout score, and I found that many of my top ten tweets had similar levels of engagement compared to yours. It is cool to see firsthand the impact that an increase social media presence can have on your own following!

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