Influencer / Top 10


At the beginning of this course I started a new Twitter and in so began with zero followers. I chose to create a new Twitter rather than using my one that I had already begun as to separate “work” and “social”. I wanted this new Twitter to be more professional than my previous Twitter, which tends to just consist of me retweeting articles about the Broncos and other sports teams. Since the beginning of the semester I have gained 31 followers, which I feel is a decent number. My Klout score went from 1o to 26.69. I noticed that I gained more followers from the class when I posted something engaging, whether it be a picture or video. Many times these would get retweeted, which exposed my tweet to a greater number of people and a different audience. With retweets I would usually gain one or two new followers. I gained random followers when I hopped on a popular hashtag and utilized it in a tweet. I think that I could have done a better job in gaining followers by better targeting and reaching out to specific people that I am interested in. I should have tried to tailor my content to reach specific people who would then see me as a possible influencer and someone with interesting things to say. I feel that the subjects of my tweets were a bit all over the place and it could have been more affective to stick to a broad topic, whether it be sports or finance or social media.


  1. By far this tweet was my best tweet of the semester, and it should be! That was kind of the point of the assignment. I think that many people could relate to this tweet, which made them favorite, retweet, and click on the link. I feel that the engagement rate could have been higher if I better targeted to my audience and had a more compelling “call to action”.

2) Jamba Juice has to be my second best tweet – they tweeted back to me! This was tweeted when our assignment was to tweet something around a trending topic, mine being #SwishyChug. In my opinion, Jamba Juice responded perfectly to Adele’s prank with Ellen DeGeneres. The company totally rolled with the video and used it as an opportunity to get more customers! I decided to take advantage of this trend and inform my followers about the deal that Jamba Juice was offering, getting 11 people to click on the link and Jamba Juice to respond! The response from Jamba Juice gave me an even better impression of the company than I had before.

3) I had my highest engagement rate of the semester with this tweet at 22.3%. This definitely proves that adding media to a tweet is a good way to receive engagement. Having 29 people watch my video when I had less than 29 followers is a definite positive. I thought that this would be a good day to make a video showing the conditions in Syracuse because they were awful! I think that the simplicity of my tweet pulled people in because 6:30am and -17 degree windchill are words that you do not see every day.  tried to be authentic in my video, truly showing what it’s like to go to practice early in the morning “rain or shine”.

4) Who doesn’t like cute dogs? I definitely used this to get clicks and likes. This tweet gave me my third-highest engagement rate at 7.5%. Using the hashtag #RescueDog may have helped my engagement as well because it is a popular hashtag that people are likely to search for and look through the feed.

5) I think that my hashtags were what drew people in the most to this Snapchat tweet. I used many relevant hashtags that people would have been looking through during the National Championship game. Also, watching sporting events with “second screens” is a major trend. The amount of tweets in the world increases greatly during major sporting events. With this tweet I hoped to hop on something that many people would be talking about. Once again, it shows that having media in a tweet helps increase tweet engagements. Saying this, I probably could have been more creative with snapchat to receive even more engagements.

6) I was surprised with this tweet that I received 15 total votes. I think having the hashtag #TwitterPoll helped drive traffic to my tweet because it is a popular hashtag for people to go through and respond to. I probably could have had a more interesting question in order to get even more responses, possibly by using humor in a question.

7) This tweet was one of my highest engagements. Once again, I hopped on a popular hashtag that people are likely to search for and look through. I gave an easy tip that is not one that people hear every day.

8) I utilized the “blue line” function for this tweet in order to make my tweets lengthen out in the twitter timeline. I think that this helped with my engagement.

9) I spent a lot of time on this GIF – although it may not seem that way. I think that I could have gotten better engagement if the lighting was better. Before I posted the lighting looked fine and the blue snowflakes could easily be seen. However, after posting, my GIF was cut off at the beginning and it was hard to see the snowflakes coming out of the clouds. I am proud of receiving 21 views though. This means that my GIF was engaging enough to get people to watch.

10) This is also a case of receiving more engagements by including media in a tweet. I am proud of this curation of tweets that my group created in class because it gives a good overview of how the world reacted to the passing of Pearl Washington. It also resonated specifically with the Syracuse community, which helped with engagements because people with connections to Syracuse are the most likely to care about this news.

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