Beginning of semester: 97 followers
End of semester: 113 followers
14.15% growth
Total impressions this semester: 198,599
What worked for me?
Most of my top tweets this semester were funny responses to celebrities, but I didn’t include the class hashtag on any of them. On the homework assignment posts, my most popular ones tended to include memes or stuff I promoted to my friends. Tweeting at local news reporters also helped me make new connections in my area.
Most of my popular class tweets were jokes that I found funny.
Top 10 posts:
1. Animal Crossing Meme:
Everyone walking into the museum today in #AnimalCrossingNewHorizons
— Justin Glowacki (@justin_glowacki) March 25, 2020
I posted this meme about Animal Crossing. Animal Crossing is a game where you build a town and you catch fish and bugs for a museum. It is also a time-based game so when one day passes in real life, one day passes in-game. The day I posted this everyone would’ve been at the same time so it reflects what was happening in real-time.
Impressions: 1,510
Engagements: 289
Likes: 33
2. NGram tweet
People in 1845: Bruh#nhsmc #bruh #Ngram
— Justin Glowacki (@justin_glowacki) March 2, 2020
This assignment was meant to post an NGram of a specific word over time, and I looked up a few pop-culture words to see if they were ever used before now. I saw that “bruh” was used in the 1850s and I thought it was funny so I tweeted it.
Impressions: 906
Engagements: 98
Likes: 12
3. Montage post:
Here are my top ten Ketchup brands! #nhsmc
— Justin Glowacki (@justin_glowacki) February 5, 2020
This assignment we had to put 2 or more photos into a montage on our posts. This had more likes than normal because most people in Pennsylvania think it’s a sin to use any other brand besides Heinz since it is a Pennsylvania based brand. It’s also funny because you expect it to be a top 10 post but it only has 1 thing on the list.
Impressions: 409
Engagements: 41
Likes: 8
Retweets: 2
4. Syracuse Meme:
— Justin Glowacki (@justin_glowacki) February 2, 2020
I forget what assignment this was for, but it was at the same time as the Duke vs. Syracuse basketball game. The Bernie asking for financial support was at its peak and I thought it would be funny to relate a Bernie meme to Syracuse students.
Impressions: 369
Engagements: 61
Likes: 8
Retweets: 1
5. Happy Wednesday
Hope everyone has a great Wednesday today! #wednesdaymorning #nhsmc
— Justin Glowacki (@justin_glowacki) February 19, 2020
This is a photo I took over the summer and I thought it would go well with the #wednesdaymorning aesthetic. I checked out the hashtag and most of them were pretty sunrises so I thought I would post a cool sunset photo I had.
Impressions: 613
Likes: 5
Engagements: 29
6. Groundhog Day
It's nice knowing that #PunxsutawneyPhil wants spring to come early this year, thanks Phil, you're the GOAT of groundhogs
#groundhogday #NHsmc
— Justin Glowacki (@justin_glowacki) February 2, 2020
This tweet was on groundhog day and I saw the hashtags I used were trending so I thought I could get some likes from people going through those hashtags. I made sure I tweeted this as soon as I could because I knew in a few hours this wouldn’t be trending as much.
Likes: 5
Engagement: 8
Impressions: 227
7. Micro influencer tweet
I have been watching @JoshHodell on the my local news since I was a kid and I just found out I’m going to the same school he did
#Newhouse #nhsmc #goorange
— Justin Glowacki (@justin_glowacki) February 24, 2020
This tweet was targeted at someone working at a news station in my area. I actually got a follow back from Josh after this tweet. I knew he went to Newhouse, so I thought it would be cool to tweet at someone that I’ve known about since I was a kid.
Likes: 4
Engagements: 19
Impressions: 434
8. IRL Social Media
Premium example of IRL social media on the bus #NHsmc
— Justin Glowacki (@justin_glowacki) January 22, 2020
This post was for the first assignment so I think this is why it got any likes. Before this class, my friends normally liked anything I posted, but after a bit, they stopped liking them and different followers started to follow me and like my posts. But this post, to me, was lazy and unrefined. I took a photo of the bus and showed how it was social media. I am not very proud of this post, but it does show how far I’ve come since the beginning of the semester.
Likes: 3
Impressions: 335
Engagement: 39
9. Crocs page shout out
Did you guys know I have a page dedicated to crocs? Well, now you do. Here's the link #nhsmc
— Justin Glowacki (@justin_glowacki) February 17, 2020
This post we were supposed to promote one of our other pages, and I thought it would be a good idea to share my crocs page. I thought this page would have the most crossover in content because other pages I have don’t share a similar voice as my twitter account.
Likes: 2
Impressions: 339
Engagement: 17
Link clicks: 10
10. Non-Class related tweet:
— Justin Glowacki (@justin_glowacki) February 12, 2020
This is my second most popular tweet from the semester and it was a response to a popular youtube known as “Keemstar.” I am not a big fan of the creator, and I had this photo in my gallery and I thought this would be a funny “gotcha” response.
Likes: 177
Engagement: 7,698
Impressions: 23,631