Marketing Campaign Analysis


I created an internet meme that would reach and be relatable to college seniors across the world that lost their senior spring. More specifically, Syracuse University seniors would feel a strong connection to my meme and want to engage with it. My objective for my marketing plan to go up 200 views on Imgur every week, by promoting the link on a variety of platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Analysis of Campaign

In today’s world, Imgur isn’t a very popular social media site that college students are using. Therefore, when the link was posted to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, I think that people would just look at the meme and not click the link to look at it in Imgur. I got a couple comments on Imgur from people who expressed confusion (clearly not the audience I was going for.) When I posted the meme itself to Twitter, I got some pretty good engagement with 7 likes. However, when I posted it for the second time with the link to Imgur, I did not get any engagement. Therefore, I think posting the Imgur links on other accounts did not work for this marketing plan.

Final Engagement

My final engagement number is 212. I received 2 comments and 2 likes.





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