When we started this project the biggest goal that I had was to try and engage with my top followers. I used social rank to determine who my top followers are. Those two happened to be two up and coming rappers in Lil B and Boo Agee. I also used Twitter analytics to see what kinds of things that my followers were interested in, and music was at the top of the list. That’s how I determined that I wanted my meme to be directed at the hip hop community. My meme was centered around the popular concept of creating a mixtape:
You've got to check out this new #meme starring the one and only @liz_reynolds94. #NHsmc https://t.co/WGvmh5sjT6
— John King (@Just_JKing32) April 6, 2016
I didn’t realize going into this project how much engagement you get from simply promoting your tweet. My engagement jumped off the chart as I had over 200 Twitter engagements just after the simple promotion. Next came the Tweet directed at Lil B. I know that most people would think it would be pointless to Tweet at someone with over a million followers, but hear me out. Lil B retweets or likes just about everything he’s tagged in, and those tweets get hundreds of retweets and likes. I’ve had success getting engagement from him in the past. Unfortunately I didn’t get any help from his this time, because if I did my meme would have really gone viral. If I had to do it again, I would have used #girltime on the tweet, because he went on a retweet spree with tweets with that hashtag.
@LILBTHEBASEDGOD was this your reaction while recording "Thugged Out Pissed Off?" #fire #hiphop https://t.co/WGvmh5sjT6
— John King (@Just_JKing32) April 9, 2016
Next came the tweet to Boo. He’s someone that I grew up with and was a close friend, and I was pretty confident for some engagement. I got it from him with a retweet and a quoted tweet.
@BooAgeeMUSIC was this your reaction while recording #reBOOt? Hope all is well. #NHsmc https://t.co/WGvmh5sjT6
— John King (@Just_JKing32) April 10, 2016
Finally for my last Tweet I used only emojis. This is normally a trend in the hip-hop community when referring to a meme or a mixtape, so I used the fire emoji and the 100 emoji to do that.
#NHsmc #worldstar #hiphop #mixtapes https://t.co/WGvmh5sjT6
— John King (@Just_JKing32) April 11, 2016
Overall I met 50 percent of my goals going into this. I wanted to get 30 engagements and I got more than 300. I did not reach my goal of 10 retweets. I only got three replies to my string of tweets, and I wanted to try an get five. And finally I got the three new followers that I wanted to get before the project.