Personal Influence Growth and Analysis & Top 10 Tweets

I got 45 new followers on Twitters in these three months. FollowFriday hashtag helped me to get some new followers every week. Because sometimes the Twitter users I was tagging for my FollowFriday post, interacted with me either by liking or retweeting my post. Hashtags which are related to gender issues and feminism helped me to get a good Twitter impression. Tweets with media worked better than plain tweets. My Instagram followers shot up after I changed my profile from private to public.  A number of photographers started following me as I used to platform to post photos I took for my photography class and used relevant hashtags.

At this point, my Klout score is 51. My Klout score started going up since March 18.My lowest score in last three months was 27.38 and the highest was 52.16. Facebook contributed 91 percent to my total score and Twitter contributed 9 percent to the total score. My Klout score was highest on April 18. I shared Theta Tau news links on Facebook and Twitter with the trending hashtag #Thetatauvideos . I believe this hashtag and trending topic helped to get a high score on Klout on April 18.  My score started going up from March 18 because I started tweeting about issues. It was not just my class assignment. I used hashtags like #Thursdaythoughts , #Fridaymotivation, #Saturedaythought , #Fridayfeelings, and #feminism. I made some of my Facebook post public to reach a larger audience. I believe these strategies contributed to my Klout score to go up. My Klout score went up from 28 to 50 on March 22. On March 21,  a Twitter account tweeted one of my poems on National Poetry Day. I think it helped me get a rise in Klout score on that day.

The tweet below is my top tweet in last three months. It got 2,245 impressions and the engagement rate is 1.2 percent.  I think using a photo instead of a text always works better. I also mentioned @SUcampus to reach out to the Syracuse University students, faculty, and staff. I think this strategy helped me to get good impressions for this post.

I mentioned Nickolas Kristoff in this tweet. He has 2.19 million followers.  I learned in this course that engaging with the influential people on Twitter helps to get a good impression. I also used the hashtags that were trending for the Rohingya issue. I got 280 impressions for this post and engagement rate is 1.1 percent.

This is the piece I wrote when I was working for a Bangladeshi newspaper. I got 691 impressions for this post and the engagement rate is 2 percent. I think using #Dhaka helped me to get a good impression for this tweet and the story is based on renting out a place in Dhaka,

I got 337 impressions for this tweet. There were 4 engagements. The strategy I applied here is pretty much same as my tweets on Rohynga issue. I mentioned National Geographic and used the most common hashtag for trans issues.

Visual always works better. I made this GIF that goes with my voice on Twitter. I got 207 impressions, 32 media views and 11 engagement for this post. However, I think I should have used #wonderwomen to get more engagements.

This photo collage got 207 impressions and there were a total of 10 engagements. I was expecting a little more engagement for this post. I think what I did wrong is that I did not use enough hashtag for this post.

I got 217 impressions and one engagement for this post.  For this tweet, I think I should have used more hashtags like #feminism #hajj and  #sexualharrasment.

I got 233 impressions and three engagements for this post. None of the writers engaged with this tweet. I should have used a quote from them. This tweet does not look well-crafted.

This tweet got 285 impressions and three engagements. This is more successful Follow Friday tweet than others because two of them liked this tweet.

This is my first quote tweet. I got 198 impressions and two engagements for this tweet.  The impression might not be great but I think this post matches with the voice I am trying to create for my Twitter account.



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