Relationships and Social Media

Building relationships today relies heavily on social media. This applies to individuals, groups, and musical groups, as the text outlines. Ethan Zuckerman outlines a refreshing way in which people today build their professional and personal lives through social media. Companies now can build themselves internationally without having physical locations in various countries. Coke and Pepsi are becoming transnational in the digital age and several companies are following suit. Social media makes it imperative for companies such as Coke to have a global network.

Zuckerman discusses at length, the benefit of having global diversity within the higher ups of companies. What works in what region might not work in another but the global network makes separating policies difficult. Diversity is now guiding diplomacies within companies and in the social norms.

On a political level, social media brings more people into social issues. Before, communications spread in much slower ways and did not affect people all over. Today, global and political issues are perpetuated through social media outlets and political and immigration policies must change. Syrian refugees show how social media affects immigration influences, as this is a hot topic today but would not be discussed in previous decades.

Rewire: Digital Cosmopolitans in the Age of Connection

2 thoughts on “Relationships and Social Media

  1. I also believe that building relationships these days relies heavily on social media. It is now so easy to see a larger slice of a person’s life through their online presence. Even if the online world we build for ourselves aren’t completely truthful all the time, it’s still good to know what other people are doing.

  2. In my opinion, building relationships online is something that is necessary in the working world. That’s how make connections and reach out to customers, but on personal level we rely to heavily on social media and its gets in the way of our relationships. I do see what you are saying though.

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