I created a new Twitter account, with the aim of creating a more professional voice yet still a relatable tone. With that being said, I started off with 0 followers and was able to gain a following of 31 by the end of the semester. In order to gain followers, I set out to follow each member of the Newhouse Social Media class by searching the #NHsmc. This follow-for-follow technique worked well to gain my initial following. The remaining followers I gained from using a cross-promotion strategy or simply from utilizing hashtags in my tweets to create a bigger reach. I found that replying to or mentioning other users was unsuccessful in gaining a following. This could be due to my own small following, I may need to gain a greater follower or credibility in order for users to find my account attractive to follow.
In order to further analyze my influence, I used Twitter Analytics to identify my top 10 tweets throughout the semester.
Who else can relate to Victoria's snooping family
#TheBachelor #NHsmc
— Danielle Holm
(@daniellejholm) February 18, 2020
My “Bachelor” tweet received the most impressions at 1,361 and 14 engagements. When creating this tweet I aimed to tweet around a trending topic and hashtag. I believe I gained my highest impressions number by utilizing a trend and live-tweeting during the show. The use of media also contributed to engagement as my tweet gained 349 media views and 7 media engagements.
@SyracuseU is finally launching a review of DPS. Take this opportunity to raise your voice!!
#NotAgainSU #NHsmc
— Danielle Holm
(@daniellejholm) February 24, 2020
This tweet regarding Syracuse University’s Department of Public Safety gained my highest number of likes at 7. While creating this tweet, I hoped to encourage students to speak up about their opinions on DPS, a trending topic in the community. The tweet achieved an engagement rate of 2.9% with 30 engagements and 1,039 impressions. The success of this tweet largely came from my Syracuse dominant following.
Love Island goes LIVE right now! Let's find out if Molly and Shaughna's talk is going to be all crickets…
— Danielle Holm
(@daniellejholm) February 8, 2020
As a huge Love Island fan, I live-tweeted to let my followers know the new episode was airing. I chose to incorporate a GIF that matched the current episode. The tweet successfully achieved 871 impressions and 299 media views.
My favorite part about @kimkardashian is that she always keeps it real #nocap. Calling Kylie’s skincare line “cheap” is my new favorite GIF. #NHsmc
— Danielle Holm
(@daniellejholm) January 25, 2020
I chose to reply to Kim Kardashian in efforts to gain a greater reach. By replying to another account and utilizing hashtags and media I was able to gain a large engagement rate of 10.1%. Incorporating pop culture into my tweets has shown some of the greatest engagement; this specific tweet had 75 engagements and 52 media engagements.
If my professor told us to bring our favorite beverage to class and it’s at 5 pm is wine appropriate?
#HappyHour #onlineclasses #nhsmc
— Danielle Holm
(@daniellejholm) March 23, 2020
The “Happy Hour” tweet was created to lighten the mood during the transition to online courses. It received my highest engagement rate at 17.1% with 123 engagements and 719 impressions. The large engagement rate is likely due to the controversial content. This tweet also led to an interesting spike in profile clicks at 58 and detail expands at 62. This leads me to believe my following may want more controversial, eye-catching content.
In case you need #SomeGoodNews John Krasinski got together with Steve Carell for “The Office” 15 year anniversary! #theoffice15
— Danielle Holm
(@daniellejholm) March 30, 2020
I created this tweet mostly to share with my followers something I am interested in. It gained 509 impressions however it had one of the lowest engagement rates at 0.4%. I believe this tweet may have received more engagement if I had chosen a different time to post it. It also fails to show any media, which likely led to less engagement than usual.
@NewhouseSU has incredible resources and professors who aren't being utilized. Time for some transparency and some recon from the @SyracuseU crisis management team.
#NotAgainSU #NHsmc
— Danielle Holm
(@daniellejholm) February 24, 2020
Here is another topic related tweet aimed for my Syracuse dominant following. Relating to fellow students has had great success in gaining engagement. This tweet reached 421 impressions and 19 engagements with an engagement rate of 4.5%. It also received 3 likes and 13 profile clicks showing me I am resonating with my following.
A Classic Duel: @McDonalds
#MCD #burgerking #NHsmc
— Danielle Holm
(@daniellejholm) February 27, 2020
I created this tweet hoping to gain a large reach by mentioning the companies directly and adding hashtags. It received 417 impressions which high for my account yet I believe it could have gained more if I restructured the tweet to look cleaner. I also hoped for a large number of engagements due to the poll. This was successfully achieving an engagement rate of 4.6% with 20 engagements, and 13 detail expands, and 6 profile clicks.
No need to worry if you missed the #Oscars , the NYT perfectly captioned the event
— Danielle Holm
(@daniellejholm) February 12, 2020
The “Oscars” tweet aimed to tweet around a trending topic and utilized a popular hashtag. It gained 406 impressions and 7 engagements. This number is likely due to the media that calls you to open it. However, I may have gained more engagement if I was more timely and tweeted it the same night.
Getting through the week can be tough… check out these tips for a midweek wind down
#wellnesswednesday #humpdayvibes #NHsmc
— Danielle Holm
(@daniellejholm) February 19, 2020
This tweet came from a series of stock content I entered into Tweetdeck. When creating this series of posts I hoped to provide some positivity to my following amongst a stressful time. The tweet achieved an engagement rate of 3.3% with 359 impressions and 12 engagements. It also received 3 likes, which is significant with my small following showing me my followers would most likely want similar, positive content.
Overall, there is a recurring theme throughout my most popular tweets. Creating content that is timely, media-rich, and aimed towards a specific audience tend to achieve the highest impressions and engagements. Utilizing hashtags and quote-tweeting/responding to other tweets played a large role in reaching a larger audience as well. Lastly, creating content that focuses on pop culture can help create a greater reach and engagement. Moving forward, I can build on these trends and start creating content more tailored to my audience.