Started From The Bottom, Now I’m HERE.

27 followers. I came into COM 427 with only 27 followers. From getting only about 30 impressions on a tweet to 528 impressions and even 59 engagements, I literally started from the bottom and now I feel like a Twitter guru– okay maybe I shouldn’t say guru! After applying all the valuable techniques learned in class and tweeting the engaging topics that we are assigned to tweet each week, you can see how much it helped my deadly Twitter account out. There was a lot of techniques used for increasing my influence and network.

Follow people first. One powerful thing I did was follow people first. If you are new to Twitter, its only right to follow people in your interest so you can know whats going on.

Design profile. I changed my profile picture, spiced up my bio, and had a cover photo that described my interests.

Participate in hashtags. I used a lot of powerful hashtag in my tweets. Once you start using hashtags in your tweets, people who aren’t following you can see your tweets!

Scheduling tweets. Hootsuite helped me schedule my tweets in advance so that I maintained a consistent flow of  engaging content.

Comment and reply to tweets. After engaging with my followers and commenting on their tweets, I noticed they began to engage with my tweets, which caused some of other people’s followers to follow me.

Be positive. I started tweeting out more inspirational quotes because they were getting a lot of retweets. People like positive things.

Promote. I promoted my Twitter account to people through other social media websites, after all, how are people going to know to follow you if you don’t promote?

Tweet engaging tweets. Last but not least, it’s important to tweet things that your followers would like to engage with. This can be done by knowing your audience, the use of wise words, bright photos, lively videos, etc.


Twitter Growth/ Benchmark:


Source: Twitter Analytics

When first starting COM 427, I had 27 followers. I currently have 173 followers.

Some things that didn’t work for me were taking breaks from tweeting. You can see certain time periods in the chart where my followers do not grow for a period of time and thats because I wasnt present on Twitter.


Klout Score Analysis:



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