@emjaywatson’s Top 10 Tweets

The most successful tweet from this past semester that included the class hashtag was my tweet promoting a YouTube video made with a friend. This tweet currently has 757 impressions with 26 engagements. I knew any tweet in which I tagged my friend James would get engagements due to @GongoozleTV’s over 4,000 followers. Jame’s title […]

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The Two Sides of #SeaWorld

Seaworld, the famous chain of marine-life entertainment parks, has been facing a severe public relations crisis since the release of “Blackfish” in 2013. A documentary that focuses on Tilikum, a captive whale that drowned his trainer during a show, “Blackfish” has caused a major uprising among animal activists. The documentary attacks SeaWorld, accusing them of […]

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Pixar’s Super Team Short

Pixar has always been known for both their revolutionary animation technologies as well as their unique stories. While usually the feature film is praised more than the animated short that prefaces every Pixar movie, “Sanjay’s Super Team” seems to have generated more buzz and excitement than The Good Dinosaur. The main reason for this seems to be that […]

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