Can 4 words sum up an entire year?

As 2017 winds down, the twitterverse is trying to summarize the whole year with the hashtag: #2017In4Words Here are how some people are describing the year: This tweet commemorates the benefit concert held by Ariana Grande in wake of the Manchester shooting. These words suggest that through all the turmoil of the year, love still […]

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The Aftermath of the #GoogleMemo

In August 2017 a memo that was circulating internally throughout Google was released to the public. The multi-page document included a manifesto by the author, James Damore, detailing the diversity and inclusion policies in place and offering his commentary about their shortcomings as he perceived them. The memo gained attention primarily because of Damore’s pseudo-science […]

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What’s the Problem with #TheProblemWithApu?

TruTV has been promoting their upcoming documentary titled The Problem With Apu. The film centers around the on-screen depiction of a Simpsons side character, the titular Apu. The documentary’s creator, comedian Hari Kondabolu, sought to spark a conversation surrounding the negative stereotypes seen in the character. Conversation online has been heated to say the least. Those who agree […]

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The Infamous Episode 7

This past October, the long awaited season 2 of Stranger Things was released on Netflix. Fans flocked to the platform to watch the new nine episode season. Upon finishing the new season, people took to social media to discuss, using the hashtag #StrangerThings2. While a lot of fans raved about the new season, there was […]

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The future of the Internet as we know it.

Currently, one of the most polarizing arguments is between the social media community and major telecommunications companies supported by politicians about net neutrality; a position passed in 2015 that bans Internet providers from discriminating on how broadband is used. The current debate stems from the Federal Trade Commission’s new plan for new regulations that support […]

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The Black Friday Frenzy

The season of giving and getting is a joyous time for many as they celebrate the Holidays with family and friends. As Thanksgiving comes to close and everyone’s bellies are stuffed with mountains of mash potatoes, the mayhem begins. The insanity of Black Friday now starts as early as 2 p.m. on Thanksgiving, due to […]

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Facts or Fake? You decide.

Just days ago, Donald Trump went on (yet another) angry Twitter rant accusing CNN of pushing out fake news and stating that CNN International poorly represents our nation to the rest of the world. @CNNPR quickly snapped back stating that it sticks to reporting nothing but facts and ended its tweet with the slogan – […]

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