Grab A Can of Unity

Ever thought a can of soda could unite both sides of a protest? Pepsi thought so. Pepsi and Kendall Jenner recently received a lot of pushback on their controversial ad called “Live For Now”. Pepsi’s main goal was to show unity amongst people but it backfired and unified people against the corporate giant instead. The […]

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The Debate on #COAL

The Carmichael, the biggest coal mine that is currently being developed in Australia, is being bombarded by criticism from concerned Aussies who refuse to have the Great Barrier Reef be contaminated even further by unsustainable energy projects. This criticism stems from recently released satellite pictures of wetlands nearby the construction-site that are clearly blackened by coal dust allegedly from ongoing […]

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Fans React to Dr. Who Rumors

Following last night’s series 10 premiere of the British sci-fi series “Doctor Who” on BBC, rumors began to circulate about who will replace Peter Capaldi as the Doctor after his last episode in December. Capaldi previously confirmed that this would be his last season with the franchise, leaving fans speculating over whether there’d even be a […]

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The Imperative of Consent #YesMeansYes

Young people are speaking out about what it means to give consent, with the movement #YesMeansYes that focuses on positive consent from all parties engaging in sexual activity before the activity occurs.  #YesMeansYes has sparked a conversation about what consent should look like, and who can give consent.  #YesMeansYes says a clear, not coerced, enthusiastic, […]

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Avocado or AvocadNO?

To like avocados or to not like avocados- that is the question. Apparently, those who tweet about their food preferences more often than not tweet about how great these green berries are (Yes, avocados are berries). I, however, have the unpopular opinion that avocados have a weird texture and, overall, are gross and overrated. For this assignment I decided […]

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