
S/O to @Penn and @Harvard for reminding us why many of America's top students are passing on its "elite" universities #Penn #HarvardSoccer — Robert Enright (@roberteno1) November 12, 2016 “#HarvardUniversity fosters the culture of #sexism that pervades the rest of the nation.” https://t.co/9KMEqmJ5pi #HarvardSoccer — The Establishment (@ESTBLSHMNT) November 7, 2016 I am sick & […]

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#GlobalWarming: Hoax or Horror?

The presence of global warming in our world was not only recognized as a highly debated issue throughout our last election, but each and every day people argue on the truth behind this matter. Some do all they can to save our planet and stop global warming from occuring, while others don’t believe that this is a legitimate […]

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As Donald Trump has become our next president, there are a range of emotions from not only the American public, but the world surrounding the 2016 election. There are people who do in fact, believe in Trump: Inside the Beltway: 84% of Americans say #DonaldTrump's the man https://t.co/iIdWN2EwY1… #politics #Election2016 pic.twitter.com/h7OUt3prUY — Donald J. Trump […]

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The hashtag #Election2016 has been used in several different ways to highlight different components of the presidential election. Countdown to #election2016! #whyIvote #whyImvoting #gotv pic.twitter.com/aJ7tR7slVz — IGNITE National (@IGNITE_National) November 5, 2016 Above, #Election2016 is used with hashtags like #GOTV to encourage people to vote. "He cannot be our president. Once you divide us, you […]

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#Brexit: For the Good or the Bad?

It is reassuring to know that the US is not the only country currently experiencing a political uproar. With the recent election of Donald Trump for president-elect of the United States, many are looking overseas for relief. Unfortunately, Americans are not the only ones experiencing a national divide. The tweets inserted below comment on two […]

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Stand Up Or Kneel?

The NFL this season has been littered with controversy. Most notably the National Anthem. Many African American players have chosen to kneel during the anthem as a way to protest color inequality in the United States. This has obviously caused plenty of problems for the league. Thousands have weighed in across social media, some saying […]

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A few days after the elections results, massive groups of people went out to the streets and protested against the elected president. The anger, the fear, and the disagreement with the new president were demonstrated on Social media. During the weekend (11/12) one of the most popular hashtags in NY was #HereToStay. I think the […]

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Hashtag Happenings

Upon viewing and analyzing the following six tweets, I found it extremely interesting how the tonality could differ so greatly despite the consistent hashtag. This reminded me of the class discussion about how analysis sites cannot decipher between positive and negative tonality when discussing a common word/phrase/hashtag/handle. This is why all tweets directed towards @RealDonaldTrump were taken into […]

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