Examining Educational Reform

JUST HOW NECESSARY ARE ALL OF THESE TESTS? One issue that can easily get people fired up is the topic of educational reform. Education is such an important issue because it impacts all of our lives in some way. Testing has become a hot topic of discussion within educational reform. People argue that students today are […]

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The Two Sides of #SeaWorld

Seaworld, the famous chain of marine-life entertainment parks, has been facing a severe public relations crisis since the release of “Blackfish” in 2013. A documentary that focuses on Tilikum, a captive whale that drowned his trainer during a show, “Blackfish” has caused a major uprising among animal activists. The documentary attacks SeaWorld, accusing them of […]

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Journal Article Discussion: social media ecosystem

This presentation discusses social media marketing ecosystem and other relevant concepts. Marketers need to understand the changing role of consumers. Consumers are no longer passive recipients of messages, but are active participants in online discussions. There are five types of behavior on social media: Creators, critics, collectors, joiners, and spectators. Besides this article, Mangold and […]

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