The Jonah Hill Coffee Photo Can be Applied to Anything

Around mid-September, a photo of the actor Jonah Hill went viral. This paparazzi shot of Jonah Hill features him walking down a street, seemingly oblivious to the fact that he is about to drop a cup full of iced coffee. This resulted in a variety of online jokes using this candid photo as a meme frame. I attempted to apply the humorous aspects of this photo to parts of my own life that I thought could be found as relatable amongst other college students. 

Panicking for no reason is a part of my nature 

My objective for this campaign is to simply surpass my previously most engaged social media post within this class, however more specifically my goal is to double the engagement of my most popular social media post with this meme. My most popular post was a tweet on Twitter that got 4 likes, so my goal is to surpass that. 

My final engagement number on Imgur: 148 views 

The part of my strategy that worked the best was Twitter. My tweet promoting my Imgur meme is my second tweet with the most engagement, with an engagement rate of 4.8%.  This tweet was also my top media tweet garnering 42 impressions.

However, the part of my strategy that really didn’t work was Instagram. Although I reposted the Imgur meme and shared the link, the content that I was sharing for this challenge did not match my original content on Instagram at all, which is probably why this aspect of my strategy failed so much. Additionally, sharing links on Instagram can be rather awkward since they are not typically found in stories or captions. I wish I had instead placed the link in my bio and encouraged my followers to click on it from there,  

Another strategy that wasn’t necessarily part of my original campaign plan but worked pretty well was simply sending the Imgur link to friends and group chats since this lead to them sharing it amongst themselves or to other group chats. This strategy also resulted in a derivative of my meme being created by my friend Katie:

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