GIFs took over social media for a period of time and I finally learned how to make one! By creating a GIF with my pet chinchilla named Scruffy, I gained two followers who are also chinchilla lovers! The hashtag #furfreeforever led these two new followers to my profile! Even though my tweet only got 2 favorites, I still think by adding a visual and using topic related hashtags, the tweet got more views than noted.
Chinchilla kisses are the softest kisses #NHsmc #furfreeforever pic.twitter.com/QLmIUMi9lh
— Julianne Cummings (@CummingsCuse) February 10, 2016
The best part of learning more about social media was learning how to incorporate hashtags and different types of visuals to draw attention to your tweet. Lacrosse is a sport that I am very passionate about, so I thought I would tweet about my team, the Syracuse Women’s Club Lacrosse team. By adding a video on some of the things we do as a team at practice. I thought using hashtags such as #sulax #syracuse would draw a bigger viewing for people in the area that are also interested in the sport. I got 2 favorites!
Lax is life! #Syracuse #sulax #OrangeNation #NHsmc pic.twitter.com/g0r48zgfJx
— Julianne Cummings (@CummingsCuse) February 11, 2016
Even though this tweet only received 1 favorite, I still think this was a good tweet because I added an image and created my own original hashtag, which is pretty awesome!
Eric Staal is officially apart of the #NewYorkRangers, joining his brother Marc on the team #StaalSiblings #NHsmc pic.twitter.com/ea2ofEKCe7
— Julianne Cummings (@CummingsCuse) March 2, 2016
Although this tweet also only received 1 favorite, I think adding an article about a topic that I think people should be more aware of was a good idea. Using the hashtag #InternationalWomensDay also gave the tweet more of a current event concept.
Happy #InternationalWomensDay! There have been several motivational moments for women athletes this year! #NHsmc https://t.co/5EQEGnTLoM
— Julianne Cummings (@CummingsCuse) March 8, 2016
March Madness is the most exciting time of the year for college basketball fans! Since Syracuse made it to the final four, I thought creating a tweet about the tournament would draw more attention to it. By using the hashtags #NationalChampionship and #MarchMadness, which were trending all around America, it gave my tweet more influence. It got 3 favorites!
Shock the world ladies! So proud to be a part of #OrangeNation!! #DefyTheOdds #IBleedOrange #NHsmc
— Julianne Cummings (@CummingsCuse) April 5, 2016
During the Viral Content challenge, I focused on the importance of equality in sports and how women deserve equal pay as men. I used the hashtag #WeCanDoIt to try and get more views on my tweet because professional soccer stars such as Alex Morgan and Hope Solo used this hashtag as well. By adding an image that I personally edited added visual content, which also could have guided people to look at the tweet.
RT if you believe women athletes should be treated equally as men! #WeCanDoIt
#NHsmc https://t.co/7MJaQfx9sw via @imgur
— Julianne Cummings (@CummingsCuse) April 7, 2016
Evan Garber came to our class to teach us how to design and create our very own influential Snapchats! Arlety and I decided to focus on sports and create snapchats with awesome filters to highlight athletics! My tweet got 2 retweets and 2 favorites, but the best part was that Evan Garber himself replied back!
Check out @arletygonzalez & I's sports snap chat art! Thanks @emgarbersnaps for showing us how it's done!
#NHsmc pic.twitter.com/eNApraEfft
— Julianne Cummings (@CummingsCuse) April 25, 2016
@CummingsCuse @arletygonzalez that art is amazing!! Had a blast hanging out today, I wish I only had more time there haha
— EMGARBER (@emgarbersnaps) April 26, 2016
In today’s society, communicating with people through social media is a huge way to meet people and learn some amazing things! I decided to tweet out to Laura Gentile, senior vice president of ESPNW and Women’s Initiatives and asked for some future advice! The tweet got 2 favorites and even a response from Laura! Using the hashtag #espnW also led to more clicks because people were interested in the topic.
@LauraLoo23 any advice for us hoping to join the sports world on how to improve the way women are viewed in sports? #espnW #NHsmc
— Julianne Cummings (@CummingsCuse) February 29, 2016
@CummingsCuse Excel. Have a real focus on what aspect of the sports world you want to tackle. Have a plan.
— Laura Gentile (@LauraLoo23) March 1, 2016
Since I had so much success tweeting at Laura Gentile, I decided to tweet out to my favorite female broadcaster, Beth Mowins. I used the same style of tweet by asking a question on advice aimed towards females striving to work in the sports industry. The tweet got 1 favorite and another response!
Hey @bethmowins! You have such a high influence on young females inspiring to join the sports world! Any advice for us? #NHsmc
— Julianne Cummings (@CummingsCuse) February 29, 2016
@CummingsCuse . Dont walk thru this life quietly. Make some noise. Be bold, chase your dreams with passion and confidence
— Beth Mowins (@bethmowins) March 1, 2016
And finally…. MY NUMBER 1 TWEET !!!!!
Unfortunately, sexual assault occurs all around the world and it is up to us to help stop it! It is on us to recognize that non-consent sex is sexual assault and it’s on us to intervene in situations where consent isn’t given. You could help save someone’s life and you could change a person’s life forever. By using the hashtags #ItsOnUs and #StandStrongSU, I could a lot of tweet activity! The tweets got 5 retweets and 22 favorites! Someone even quote tweeted me to help spread the awareness even further!
"I stand with you. And no matter what, it's not your fault" #ItsOnUs to help stop sexual assault because no means no #StandStrongSU #NHsmc
— Julianne Cummings (@CummingsCuse) April 13, 2016
No means no. Not "convince me" #ItsOnUs https://t.co/ccVzYqdBxR
— Christian Glynn (@SwaziThaSavage) April 13, 2016