I am especially, excited to learn that my followers are in the realm of my interests. At the start of the course I was more likely to be followed by spam accounts. However, as I began using techniques learned in class, “real” people started following me. Check out this wordcloud from my follower’s Twitter bios.
My followers are #dabblers, #digital innovators, #founders, producers, #community leaders, & more. @Sysomos #NHsmc pic.twitter.com/e1bE1wJaxj
— Dana Wakeley (@DanaWakeley) April 22, 2016
My Sysomos MAP user detail authority score is 4/10. According to Sysomos MAP, this authority ranking is based on the number of followers, following, updates, retweets and several similar measures used by Sysomos. Out of curiosity, I even compared my score to social media influencers, such as Professor Grygiel.
My Top 10 Tweets:
I’ve gathered a collection of 10 tweets that demonstrate a variety of executions throughout my semester in #NHsmc. These 10 tweets demonstrate my growth throughout the semester and the variety of skills I’ve gained in creating engaging tweets.
.@SamSanders, Why is #BernieSanders so #meme-worthy? How does #viral content, like #BirdieSanders, impact elections? https://t.co/28kjvH9yqg
— Dana Wakeley (@DanaWakeley) April 6, 2016
This tweet @SamSanders, proved to be my most successful organic tweet from the viral content challenge and overall during the semester. I incorporated a Twitter webcard, relevant hashtags, and a question posed at an influencer. I believe this combination of techniques drove up the engagement level.
Twitter Analytics results: 98 engagements, 32% engagement rate, and 24 link clicks.
Can we keep #BirdieSanders #trending, @Oregon4Bernie? Let's keep the positive Bernie tweets going. Share this #meme. https://t.co/28kjvH9yqg
— Dana Wakeley (@DanaWakeley) April 7, 2016
I incorporated a Twitter webcard, relevant hashtags, and I tagged @Oregon4Bernie because the Birdie Sanders incident occurred at a rally in Portland, Oregon. In contrast with the previous #BirdieSanders tweet, this tweet was promoted through Twitter ads. I believe the momentum of the Oregon rally and Twitter ads helped boost engagement.
Twitter Analytics results: 4 engagements, 22% engagement rate, 8 promoted engagements, 3% promoted engagement rate.
Follow @jeanbatthany, Executive #Creative Director @DDBChicago. She's a leader, #innovator, & #changetheratio & #mentorship advocate. #NHsmc
— Dana Wakeley (@DanaWakeley) March 2, 2016
The incorporation of an influencer and relevant hashtags continually increased engagement. In this tweet I encouraged my followers to follow @jeanbatthany and included #changetheratio, a movement she and many others are very passionate about.
Twitter Analytics results: 32 engagements, 14% engagement rate, 18 detail expands, and 6 hashtag clicks.
4 & 5.
#FollowFriday @TheMaggiest, Planning Director @HavasWWNYC & #sxsw2016 speaker. She tweets creative ideas & of course #doggelgangers! #NHsmc
— Dana Wakeley (@DanaWakeley) January 22, 2016
Twitter Analytics results: 30 engagements, 12% engagement rate, and 20 detail expands.
#FollowFriday @JoeSimek is a @NewhouseSU alum & junior strategist @DeutschInc LA. Follow for ad news & funny tweets. @SoCalOrange #NHsmc
— Dana Wakeley (@DanaWakeley) January 22, 2016
Twitter Analytics results: 36 engagements, 8% engagement rate, and 27 detail expands.
Early on in the semester these two #FollowFriday tweets were very successful. I included two people that I’ve met personally and have a strong twitter following. In these tweets, the timing was important, as #FollowFriday is a popular Friday hashtag. I believe my short and sweet description prompted both Joe and Maggie to engage with the tweets, as well as, prompted my followers to engage.
#CareerAdvice w/ @GeenaWakeley, @Illinois_Alma Alumna & @TOMS Digital Content Producer. #NHsmc pic.twitter.com/Kom1uHUuU2
— Dana Wakeley (@DanaWakeley) March 29, 2016
In this tweet I incorporated a video, in which, I interviewed @GeenaWakeley about career advice. This tweet was successful because both @TOMS and Geena engaged with the tweet. TOMS has a very large following. Additionally, I chose this interview topic because it is fits my voice on Twitter. I tweet a lot about networking, building one’s personal brand, and social good companies. I believe the use of relevant hashtags and rich media boosted engagement.
Twitter Analytics results: 36 engagements, 11% engagement rate, and 33 media views.
Until @3PercentConf began, only 3% of all U.S. Creative Directors were women, #DidYouKnow? #4AsTransformation #NHsmc
— Dana Wakeley (@DanaWakeley) March 23, 2016
I created a Twitter poll geared around a trending hashtag at the time, #4AsTransformation. The poll encouraged people to engage with the post through choosing an answer. I asked a question about the @3PercentConf because I am really interested in the #changetheratio movement and I recognized there is a strong community around the @3PercentConf on Twitter. I made the conclusion that those involved in the movement would likely engage with my tweet.
Twitter Analytics results: 34 engagements, 3% engagement rate, and 17 detail expands.
Now for the most important question of your week.. which #emoji heart is your favorite? #NHsmc
— Dana Wakeley (@DanaWakeley) April 6, 2016
The poll proved to work well in the previous tweet so I utilized this technique in the emoji twitter assignment. The incorporation #emoji prompted retweets and both #emoji and #NHsmc encouraged participation in the poll.
Twitter Analytics results: 30 engagements, 7% engagement rate, and 3 retweets
#NancyDrew takes the cake! Our childhood detective since the 1930s. #NHsmc #mysteryfiction #Ngram pic.twitter.com/dzT3pYDnbM
— Dana Wakeley (@DanaWakeley) March 6, 2016
The engagement on this tweet surprised me. I really tapped into a niche audience of Nancy Drew fans. I believe the Ngram image and tagging #NancyDrew really drove engagement on this tweet.
Twitter Analytics results: 260 engagements, 6% engagement rate, 7 retweets, 12 likes, and 196 media views
This #DIY #Syracuse painting is a constant reminder of how much #IBleedOrange.
#NHsmc pic.twitter.com/EMosBbwHni
— Dana Wakeley (@DanaWakeley) April 6, 2016
Although, I am not a big sports fan, this post did not deviate from my voice. I incorporated my love of DIY and revolved the language around school spirit, rather than sports specifically. I think both the usage of the key hashtags, especially #IBleedOrange, and the Snapchat screenshot drove engagement on this tweet.
Twitter Analytics results: 25 engagements, 12% engagement rate, and 12 media views.