Twitter Influence Analysis

Influence Analysis:
I am really happy with how I’ve grown this semester in COM 427. Prior to starting this course, I had a professional Twitter account and had several networking success stories. However, Social Media for Communicators has accelerated my growth and furthered my interest in a career in social media. My change from the beginning to the end of the course (1/20 – 4/20) is evident in my Twitter follower growth, Klout score, and my Sysomos Authority Score.
I gained a total of 125 followers on Twitter, starting with 138 and ending with 263 followers. I found that taking full advantage of functions like lists, blue lining, Twitter Advanced Search and sharing Twitter Moments helped increase my engagement. Prior to this course, I did not pay a lot of attention to app updates, nor did I use all the tools Twitter has to offer. Weekly Twitter assignment encouraged me to experiment with various techniques, join trending conversations and start conversations with influencers, brands, and organizations. I also experimented with using TweetDeck, especially when I was crafting tweets at a time my followers were less active. As a busy student, I sometimes found myself tweeting late at night and consequently getting lower engagement on these tweets because there were simply less people using Twitter at these times. Scheduling tweets allowed me to avoid this time barrier and increase the reach of my tweets.

I am especially, excited to learn that my followers are in the realm of my interests. At the start of the course I was more likely to be followed by spam accounts. However, as I began using techniques learned in class, “real” people started following me. Check out this wordcloud from my follower’s Twitter bios.

My Klout score raised 24 points, starting at 27 and ending with a score of 51. I was really surprised by this growth! At times I was afraid my score had hit a peak. I wasn’t sure how to continue raising my influence. Through tweeting and posting photos on Instagram more regularly, as well as, targeting key hashtags and influencers, I believe I was able to further grow my Klout score.

My Sysomos MAP user detail authority score is 4/10. According to Sysomos MAP, this authority ranking is based on the number of followers, following, updates, retweets and several similar measures used by Sysomos. Out of curiosity, I even compared my score to social media influencers, such as Professor Grygiel.

My Top 10 Tweets:

I’ve gathered a collection of 10 tweets that demonstrate a variety of executions throughout my semester in #NHsmc. These 10 tweets demonstrate my growth throughout the semester and the variety of skills I’ve gained in creating engaging tweets.


This tweet @SamSanders, proved to be my most successful organic tweet from the viral content challenge and overall during the semester. I incorporated a Twitter webcard, relevant hashtags, and a question posed at an influencer. I believe this combination of techniques drove up the engagement level.

Twitter Analytics results: 98 engagements, 32% engagement rate, and 24 link clicks.


I incorporated a Twitter webcard, relevant hashtags, and I tagged @Oregon4Bernie because the Birdie Sanders incident occurred at a rally in Portland, Oregon. In contrast with the previous #BirdieSanders tweet, this tweet was promoted through Twitter ads. I believe the momentum of the Oregon rally and Twitter ads helped boost engagement.

Twitter Analytics results: 4 engagements, 22% engagement rate, 8 promoted engagements, 3% promoted engagement rate.


The incorporation of an influencer and relevant hashtags continually increased engagement. In this tweet I encouraged my followers to follow @jeanbatthany and included #changetheratio, a movement she and many others are very passionate about.

Twitter Analytics results: 32 engagements, 14% engagement rate, 18 detail expands, and 6 hashtag clicks.

4 & 5.

Twitter Analytics results: 30 engagements, 12% engagement rate, and 20 detail expands.

Twitter Analytics results: 36 engagements, 8% engagement rate, and 27 detail expands.

Early on in the semester these two #FollowFriday tweets were very successful. I included two people that I’ve met personally and have a strong twitter following. In these tweets, the timing was important, as #FollowFriday is a popular Friday hashtag. I believe my short and sweet description prompted both Joe and Maggie to engage with the tweets, as well as, prompted my followers to engage.


In this tweet I incorporated a video, in which, I interviewed @GeenaWakeley about career advice. This tweet was successful because both @TOMS and Geena engaged with the tweet. TOMS has a very large following. Additionally, I chose this interview topic because it is fits my voice on Twitter. I tweet a lot about networking, building one’s personal brand, and social good companies. I believe the use of relevant hashtags and rich media boosted engagement.

Twitter Analytics results: 36 engagements, 11% engagement rate, and 33 media views.


I created a Twitter poll geared around a trending hashtag at the time, #4AsTransformation. The poll encouraged people to engage with the post through choosing an answer. I asked a question about the @3PercentConf because I am really interested in the #changetheratio movement and I recognized there is a strong community around the @3PercentConf on Twitter. I made the conclusion that those involved in the movement would likely engage with my tweet.

Twitter Analytics results: 34 engagements, 3% engagement rate, and 17 detail expands.


The poll proved to work well in the previous tweet so I utilized this technique in the emoji twitter assignment. The incorporation #emoji prompted retweets and both #emoji and #NHsmc encouraged participation in the poll.

Twitter Analytics results: 30 engagements, 7% engagement rate, and 3 retweets


The engagement on this tweet surprised me. I really tapped into a niche audience of Nancy Drew fans. I believe the Ngram image and tagging #NancyDrew really drove engagement on this tweet.

Twitter Analytics results: 260 engagements, 6% engagement rate, 7 retweets, 12 likes, and 196 media views

Although, I am not a big sports fan, this post did not deviate from my voice. I incorporated my love of DIY and revolved the language around school spirit, rather than sports specifically. I think both the usage of the key hashtags, especially #IBleedOrange, and the Snapchat screenshot drove engagement on this tweet.

Twitter Analytics results: 25 engagements, 12% engagement rate, and 12 media views.

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