Twitter Poll: Are You For or Against Bernie Sanders?

In the last week, one of the biggest news stories, besides the obvious Coronavirus, has been Bernie Sanders dropping out of the Presidential Race. So, with this I went straight to Twitter to research #BernieSanders and see the type of response that it was getting. Because many people are passionate about their stance on politics I thought this was a perfect hashtag and topic to research as far as opposing views. 

For Bernie Tweets: 

On one side of the argument there are the Tweets that are in full support for Bernie. They are showing their respect for Bernie as far as Tweeting about the positive things he has done and showing their utmost support for his decision. 

Against Bernie Tweets: 

And on the opposing side of the argument are those individuals that have never been in support of Bernie and are excited that he has dropped out of the race. Many of these tweets are extremely negative and showing support for another candidates like Trump. 


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