Viral Challenge Pt. 2

Objective: My objective was to get this meme to 500+ views by sharing it on all different platforms of social media. An internet meme that inspired me to create one with a similar concept is this:








I feel that this meme is relatable to a lot of millennials today, especially because how popular Snapchat is.

Imgur meme:

Analysis/Final Engagement: My campaign was a success. I think the tactics that worked best was sharing it on many platforms, my use of hashtags, and through word of mouth- my friends telling their friends about my meme. Up to date, the meme I created has a final engagement of 1,573 and 390 total views. If I were to create another meme in the future, or suggest advice to someone creating a meme, I would say that trending hashtags are key to making something go viral.

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