Viral Content Challenge: Campagin Anaylsis


  • Achieve around 30-40 likes on the Instagram post
  • 20 comments on the post
  • Have up to 15 shares on Twitter
  • 500 views on Imgur

Although my plan did not work out quite like this, I definitely learned a lot in terms of how to market content in order to gain your audience’s attention. I created two memes due to a glitch in the first one. The first was inspired by recent memes that stated, “Me rushing to put a face mask on as soon as I feel my mental health slipping,” corresponding with funny images or videos of people frantically running around and being overly dramatic.


IMGUR Meme 1:

All Your Problems Solved with Just One Face Mask 

The second was just something my friends and I came up with. We thought it was amusing and relatable, as we are all dog lovers.

IMGUR Meme 2:

Who’s a Good Boy?

Analysis: Before putting out the meme, I felt very confident in my Marketing Plan. I felt as though I had strong prior knowledge on how to promote content on most social platforms, and had at least over 200 people that I could push out my link to.

  • The main issue of the first meme was obviously the glitch. When I would send out the link to group chats, the image would move and create a glitch that made it hard to click. Yet, when looking at it now, I also don’t think it promoted as well as it could have due to the quality of the image. The space looks pretty dated which could of caused the meme to seem irrelevant.
  • The second meme was a little sarcastic, and more fun to promote. They both got around the same engagement, but what worked best was sending the links in large group chats, as well at promoting on my Instagram stories and putting the links in my bio. I think creating a meme that is reliable to a wide audience definitely helps create more engagement.  That was more of my goal with the second meme, trying to target dog lovers. What made promoting the second meme difficult was that I had already used all my promoting plans for the first one, so most of the people I was reaching out to were less willing to be involved then before.
  • To combat this I used my friends as a major resource in terms of getting the link sent around to a different range of people. I still used Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram like I had explained in my Marketing Plan however, the engagement wasn’t as strong. By getting my friends to send the link around to their own immediate circles it helped acquire fresh faces. Another thing I noticed was the timing of the post on Imgur. It seemed as though I was getting more views at around 7-9pm so that is when I decided to post the second meme, hoping for a larger growth in views. Data on Squarelovin also advised me that the best time to post on Instagram was Sunday around 3 pm, so that was another tactic I implemented when releasing the second meme.


  • First Meme: 302 views on IMGUR
    • 11 likes on Instagram
  • Second Meme: 281 views on IMGUR
    • 13 likes on Instagram
  • Total of: 583

After looking at Twitter analytics, it was interesting to see that the second meme was actually one of my top media tweets with 147 impressions and the total engagement being 4. Although small numbers, Twitter is the platform where I normally get the lowest engagement, mainly because the account was made for this class, leaving me with only 17 followers as of now.

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