Viral Content Challenge – Kylie Netflix Meme

Objective for this campaign: To put a piece of content into the Twitter world that will relate to dog lovers and Netflix “binge watchers” that might put a smile on their face and motivate them to like or share with friends. In creating my meme I tried to make it humorous in a subtle way and something that a lot of people can relate to. I hope to have content that will connect with people ages 15 to 35 (millennials and high school age) who watch these “binge-worthy” shows on Netflix. I hope to have a very positive response and sentiment towards my content.

Looking back at my campaign I am overall happy with the number of engagements that I had on my Imgur post. 162 engagements far surpassed my goal of 30! I think that I used my real-life connections wisely in helping me spread the message. I had my team at Syracuse, and friends and family both at Syracuse and at home clicking on the link and asking them to share it with others if they liked it. I had people sharing my link on Facebook, Twitter, and in group chats. This definitely had the greatest impact in getting my post to spread and reach 160 people. Also, every time I go back to the link a few more people have seen it – this bodes well for the “virality” of my post.

As for my twitter campaign, I feel that it was fairly successful when keeping in mind that I only spent $5. Over all my promoted posts I received 5,336 impressions and 24 link clicks. Seeing as our minimum goal in this campaign was to receive 30 link clicks I feel that receiving 24 from only promoted posts is positive. Targeting people who watch and engage with certain “binge-worthy” television shows was (I feel) most impactful as these are the people who would connect to my meme the most. However, I wish that I would have been able to make my target market a bit smaller in order to have even greater impact. Seeing that 5,336 people saw my tweet but only 24 clicked on it is disappointing. I know that many people (including myself) will never click on promoted Tweets but I think that I could have added a different message than “Click Here” in order to draw people in. Clearly there was a disconnect with a large majority of my audience.

In this campaign I learned important lessons that I can apply if I ever again try to use Twitter Ads to promote content on Twitter. It was nice to be able to learn these lessons in a classroom setting where money or my job are not on the line.

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