Last week #5WordAdviceForTeens was trending on Twitter. Tweets ranged from practical advice to various political support.
To kick things off:
There's nothing cool about socialism.
Gender Studies is completely useless.
Donald Trump is your president.
Stop being offended by everything.
David Hogg is a bully.
There are only two genders.
PLEASE stop eating tide pods.
— Raging Gay Conservative (@RagingGayCons) April 7, 2018
A few things stand out in the above tweet, but what sticks out most is “There are only two genders.” With a big push to be accepting of different gender classifications, this tweet is a surprising viewpoint from someone who labels themselves as gay.
Young ladies don't send nudes. #5WordAdviceForTeens
— Ms_UnKnown (@_Ms_Unknown) April 7, 2018
This tweet came across two different ways. One — young women shouldn’t trust too easy. Two — It’s repressing young women from being comfortable and confident with their bodies.
Look up from your screens #5WordAdviceForTeens
— David E (@DaSkrambledEgg) April 7, 2018
This seems ironic on Twitter but it’s advice people need. Technology has become a large part of society and it’s hard to put the phone down when there’s constant notifications.
#5WordAdviceForTeens have quality over quantity friends
— Ashley Brewer (@ashleybre35) April 7, 2018
Social media has us connected to so many people. We associate a person’s importance with how many followers they have and mistake that for real life.
Register. To. Vote. At. EIGHTEEN!#5WordAdviceForTeens
— Peter Morley (@morethanmySLE) April 7, 2018
One movement picking up steam following the Parkland, Florida shooting is #VoteThemOut, which refers to voting out politicians that take money from the National Rifle Association.
#5WordAdviceForTeens dont text and drive ok.
— kk-ilovethebeach (@ilovethebeach01) April 7, 2018
And lastly, shout out to those who just want safer roads.
I also picked a hashtag that was co-opted by people trying to make a political point. I think your point on how the person tweeting out about how there are only two genders labels themselves as gay despite having a very non-progressive viewpoint. Just like with my hashtag, I believe people on the right are co-opting things that they believe makes them above criticism from the left, as if nobody on the left would dare call out a heinous viewpoint just because the speaker is gay. Anyways, just a long-winded response to get to the point that I believe the person in tweet #1 is lying about who they are.