How do you make your meme go viral?

Objective: The objective of this campaign is to reach 500+ views on the meme posted on

Inspiration: I always find the best memes to be the ones that make fun of yourself. Memes speak about human truth, and to be able to laugh at yourself and admit we are all human and not perfect is great. The inspiration behind the “microwavable cauliflower gnocchi meme” I created was an accumulation of memes that I have passively encountered over time.  This one, in particular, was on my Instagram “popular page” a few days before the project:

It made me laugh and reminisce freshman year when students attempted to microwave food but ended up setting the fire alarm off in the dorm. I decided to make a play on this meme but have it to apply to my life currently: a college student trying to eat healthy with minimal time. AKA microwaving meals and feeling like a chef.


Campaign Analysis: At this beginning, I forgot to insert tags into my meme. My view count was around only 30, and I realized that I should add tags. Once I added the tags, “#college, #spongebob, #funny, #school, #meme, #cooking, and #meme”, my views skyrocketed (relative to what they were before). The power of tags and hashtags on social media is enormous, and I did not realize this until this project. My meme completed the objective I had set in the marketing plan; however, I do wish that it went “viral” like several of my classmate’s memes had. I am proud that 530 people did view my meme, which to me, sounds like a lot of people! 

Why did this meme not go viral? 

  • Perhaps the humor does not apply to a wide range of people
  • Maybe the joke did not come across how I intended: The joke is that people feel like they are Bobby Flay when they look at their finished product. People regularly post pictures of their finished cauliflower gnocchi meal because it seems like you are a great chef who can make these elaborate meals. When in reality, you heat it! I am guilty of this feeling myself, not going to lie. Maybe if I incorporated Bobby Flay’s name in it, the joke would come across more effectively.
  • Did I put the correct hashtags? I think this is something that you get better at over time. Considering this was my first ever meme and meme post, I put the hashtags that were relevant to my meme and also had a lot of content in them. Perhaps there could have been more effective tags.




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