@Maxdar94’s Top 10 Tweets

Over the course of the semester, I’ve had some Tweets get little to no attention and others get lots of attention. The content all came from my head, and there isn’t a theme behind them. Let’s get started with one of my favorites:

Plain and simple. Liam is a great friend of mine, and I was really happy that he was elected president of our fraternity, Phi Delta Theta. So the thinking behind this Tweet was easy – congratulate Liam! The majority of the likes came from either current brothers of the house or alumni from the house, but there were a few other people in the mix as well.
From analytics: 15 likes, 437 impressions, 58 engagements, and 29 detail expands, so it made its way around!

Another one of my favorites…this was on a beautiful day in November when it was around 70 degrees. Most of my friends know I’m from California and make fun of me for being cold all the time, so I decided to Tweet this to remind them of my roots. A very personal Tweet, you can pick up on my voice in this one. I am trying to walk the line of having my Twitter be professional and personal, and this is an example of a Tweet right on that line!
From analytics: 7 likes, 487 impressions, 25 engagements, and 3 replies. My friends chirped into the discussion pretty quickly!

This Tweet comes from the class where we were lucky enough to have LaNia come in and give a guest lecture. I think the hashtags helped out on this one because it was immediately a part of the #NHsmc discussion that was going on at the time. The reasoning behind this one – I always wondered why she did “Weather by LaNia,” and assumed many others did too. So when she told us that it was to make people smile, that really resonated with me and I wanted to share that with others. The retweets helped get this Tweet some attention. I’m sure the picture helped as well.
From Analytics: 4 likes, 3 retweets, 962 impressions, and 70 engagements (39 media).

Right off the bat, I know this Tweet does not have the #NHsmc hashtag, but I think my rationale for putting this in my portfolio is strong enough. I Tweeted this during the San Bernardino shootings because I saw a ton of misinformation circulating Twitter and the Web. During crises, people often times don’t evaluate whether or not a source is credible and are very misinformed. So, as a young and aspiring journalist, I felt as if it was my journalistic duty to remind people to be careful of what they read online while a crisis is unfolding. I decided to use the hashtag #LA to get the information into other circles that I’m not in. Various Los Angeles media were on the scene, so I figured it was appropriate to use it. Timeliness was one of the factors that helped this Tweet get engagement.
From Analytics: 5 likes, 1 retweet, 1,642 impressions, and 30 engagements.

Social media gives people the opportunity to share cool things, good stories, funny videos, meaningful words, and more. I wanted to help out some of my peers in Newhouse by sharing their Doritos advertisement with my social network to try to help them get a spot in the Super Bowl. I think it would be so amazing to see an ad done by my fellow students in the Super Bowl! I wanted to increase the amount of people that could potentially see the Tweet, so I tagged the official Doritos and Syracuse University accounts. Furthermore, I linked directly to the original Tweet so people could see where the content came from and who it came from.
From Analytics: 6 likes, 4 retweets, 647 impressions, and 16 engagements.

This Tweet comes from the class viral content challenge. I did this in an effort to help promote engagement with my photo. I made sure to put the actual photo in the Tweet instead of linking to it so followers wouldn’t have to click into a new tab or window. Furthermore, I hash tagged both “sunset” and “sunrise,” to see if anybody that isn’t in my social circle would interact with my photo. The caption made it very easy and simple for people to interact. Though there wasn’t a large number of people that did, but I really liked the idea behind the Tweet.
From Analytics: 2 likes, 1 retweet, 370 impressions, and 37 engagements (24 media engagements).

First of all, the show was a hit! We beat our goal and raised over $2,000 for the Testicular Cancer Foundation, and honestly, I think the use of social media really helped us do that. I wanted to effectively tell our entire class, as well as my entire Twitter following about our show. I tagged both Otto Tunes and the Testicular Cancer Foundation (@Singlejingles) official accounts in a hope to get some engagement from them as well. Looking back on it if I could have done one thing differently, I would have hash tagged the “ICYMI” part to increase the amount of impressions it would have made. Nevertheless, this was one of my personal favorites.
From Analytics: 4 likes, 3 retweets, 968 impressions, and 8 engagements. *If Tweeted at a different hour, I’m confident there would have been far more engagements.

This Tweet comes from the infographic assignment we did towards the beginning of the semester. I wrote this with more of a broadcast-style voice intentionally, as it is something that you’d see on a news show about politics – something I’d like to be a part of during my career. Furthermore, I thought this would be a much more interesting poll / Tweet than one about a simple topic. After all, many of my followers are attempting to get into the broadcast industry or are already professionals in it. It showcased my writing ability as well as my research ability in an interesting way. Looking back, I could have tagged the official CNN page and hash tagged “Trump,” to get more engagements.
From Analytics: 1 like, 1 retweet, 406 impressions, 21 engagements, and 12 link clicks.

During the week we had talked about how social media is everywhere in real life, not just on the Web on sites like Twitter and Facebook. It you weren’t sure, this Tweet comes from the local bar on campus called Chucks, and the caption says it all. The entire bar – wall to wall – is covered in a compilation of years worth of “real life social media.” The second line brings out a bit of my personality, as I didn’t want to be boring and just say “Like the walls of a local bar.” Rather, I went with something more exciting and fun, hence “local watering hole.”
From Analytics: 2 likes, 290 impressions, and 30 engagements (17 media engagements). 

I had a lot of fun filming this one, believe it or not. I love coffee, I love photography and videography, and I love sitting outside with my thoughts (when the weather is nice, of course). This is another example of a Tweet that holds true to my personality and style. I used the native video option on the Twitter iPhone app to record and post this short video. I rarely post my own videos to Twitter, so this was a different kind of post for me. Definitely will make some more of these in the future though.
From Analytics: 2 likes, 308 impressions, 46 media views, and 27 engagements. More people hit play than I thought would!

For a total recap, I’d say there were a lot of really successful Tweets I had for the class over the course of the semester. It was really hard to narrow my choice to 10, but these are the ones that I think best showcase my work.

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