Semester Wrap Up

When it comes to an increase in Twitter followers, I’d say the semester was a success.

[infogram id=”nhsmc_twitter_growth7″]

As for my Klout score, I’d say the same thing. I started with a score of 50.11 on September 8th, and today, it’s sitting at 61.76!

Over the course of the semester, I gained Twitter followers. Some were people from the class, a few people I met; however, a lot of them were people that I didn’t know. I think this comes from the many different hashtags I used throughout the semester. They ranged from #ICYMI to #sunsets, from #ThatMomentWhen to #NHsmc. But the variety put my Tweets in a ton of different social circles, which is where I believe I got many of my new followers from. I didn’t ask for followers ever. At times, like during the viral content challenge, I’d ask for favorites which would lead to follows, but I never asked for people to follow my handle.

I’m pretty sure that I lost a few followers for the amount of #NHsmc Tweets I put out there, as those people had multiple peers in the course and would get feeds full of class Tweets. So that didn’t always play in my favor, but that wasn’t the end of the world. The hashtag probably helped me get followers in the class, so I’d say it’s a wash.

I’m sure there are a variety of reasons as to why my social influence increased a lot. But the most compelling one to me? The sheer amount of content I was pushing out there. I used Twitter far more than I ever had this semester. Further, I was strategic with nearly all of my Tweets, whether they were videos, photos, infographics, or even just the wording of the Tweet. Sometimes, I’d reach out directly to influencers on Twitter to see if they’d engage with me. Sure enough, they did a few times!

I think I did a better job linking my different accounts together as well this semester. Sometimes I’d share my more popular Instagram posts on my Twitter or Facebook pages, generating more engagement. I tried to avoid excess overlap on my different platforms as well, that way I never was crowding people’s feeds with repeated information.

Overall, I am far more active on social media and that is why I believe I have a strong online presence. This class was very helpful with teaching me different tools to create better content. I’m looking forward to creating even better content in the future!


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