90 days of Twitter growth

Over the past several months, my Twitter following has seen a lot of growth. I started COM 427: “Social Media for Communicators,” with just 16 followers. I am finishing the class with 91 followers and gaining every day. My Klout score increased from 16.11 to 34.95. I think this is due to a number of reasons. […]

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Top 10/Influencer

Over the course of the semester, my social presence grew. I went from 248 to 264 followers, and my Klout score rose from 33-40. If I could only take two things away from this class, I will always remember the importance of good hashtags, and making sure that more of my tweets have content in […]

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Making My Twitter Game Stronger

The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. So, I’ll admit it: I’m addicted. Twitter’s white bird greets me in the morning as I open its application and catch myself up on all of the news I missed during the night. My right thumb will subconsciously move up and down, as if it’s […]

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Look Mom, I’m an Influencer!

I’ve grown a lot as a Twitter user over the course of the semester, and as my comfort level and usage increased, so has my influence. I began the semester with 68 followers hoping to reach 100 by the end of the semester. I achieved that goal and currently have 104 followers. It helped that […]

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Bronfein’s Top 10 Tweets

Until this past semester, I didn’t understand the true magic and reach of Twitter. But after the engagement and impressions, I had under Professor Grygiel’s guidance, you bet I’m going to cling to trending hashtags and web cards like there’s no tomorrow. Here are my Twitter impressions over the last semester: 90 Day Twitter Impressions As […]

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Twitter Influence

  Klout Score Beginning: 29.38 Klout Score End: 38.40 Twitter Followers Beginning: 367 Twitter Followers End: 368 ***Note: the beginning and end totals are from the total I put in the google doc at the start of the semester, and my total followers now.  However, when looking at twitter analytics each month from January to […]

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Top Ten Tweets for the Semester

This semester in COM 427, we had a series of Twitter assignments in which we were given topics to tweet about using #NHsmc. Below are my top ten tweets for the semester, based on engagement and impressions. This time last year, I was in Florence eating gelato and pizza *cries in missing abroad* #TravelTuesday #NHsmc […]

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Twitter’s Top Ten

By Rachel Viggiano (SYRACUSE) As social media continues to generationally expand throughout our culture; Interests in content are becoming more diverse as our eclectic society jumps onto the social-media bandwagon.  Being a person with many interest, i’ve tried to make my “voice” on Twitter as eye-catching as possible to various types of people.  And from what i’ve […]

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