Get a load of OpinionatedRay!

I’ve been a Twitter user for about seven years. Goodness, that’s a long time. I  started using it to vent, literally vent about college life, boys and more boys. Originally my name was @newyork_6 or something like that;lame, I know. But my best friend came up with a better name that suited me, my voice and my […]

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How #MAGA Divided Twitter

We all know 2016 has been a tumultuous year, from the Apoca-Election to a string of deaths from heroes and celebrities alike. The one tragedy no one predicted to divide the country (not on the color of a dress) was the 2016 Election.  The candidates, vastly different, issues, couldn’t have been more dire, and the constituents, […]

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SOS, I’ve Been Meme’d

-Chazz Inniss I always wanted to go viral.  In some way shape or form I wanted to achieve mass popularity. I never thought it would become an assignment. When creating the meme I naturally gravitated to my face. Why? I think I have a pretty meme-able face. I mean, its expressive, sort of symmetrical, and […]

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How Social Media Has Become the Battlefield for Recognizing #LymeDisease

More than 300,000 cases of Lyme disease will be diagnosed this year, but because many doctors aren’t well educated in recognizing it in its early stages, the number could be much higher. Luckily, awareness is spreading, thanks highly to social media. Here are some examples of what Twitter has to say about #LymeDisease.

We actually had a vaccine on the market for a few years, but its creators stopped making it because so few people requested it and it wasn’t making them enough money. Hopefully, with cases and awareness and demand on the rise, it will be improved and offered once again.

Many people don’t believe in climate change, but whatever your beliefs, the warmer and shorter the winters, the more ticks thrive. Ticks are notoriously stealthy, and it takes harsh conditions to kill them off. Additionally, they aren’t only spread by deer as many people believe, but are also carried by mice. The more mice survive the winter, they more ticks have warm bodies to stay attached to and feed on.

There’s much controversy over Lyme disease. The CDC says it’s treatable, but if it isn’t caught immediately, it can lead to permanent damage to the brain, heart, nervous system and more.

The “Spoon Theory” is a way of explaining to those without a chronic condition how much energy it takes to get through each day. It suggests that each person is given X amount of spoons each day, to spend however they choose. The amount of spoons you start with is determined by your health status. Certain activities cost more spoons than others, so essentially, it’s about knowing one’s limits and not wasting your energy on trivial or non-vital things.

Many celebrities, like Bella Hadid and Avril Lavigne have been spreading awareness of Lyme disease by being open about their battles with Lyme disease. In her recently released book, Kelly Osbourne slams such celebrities for trying to make the disease “trendy.”

Kelly Osbourne’s views are not shared or appreciated by many who have Lyme disease because they believe that celebrities sharing their battles are both inspirational and are using their platforms to raise awareness.

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Sorry but not sorry

Trending on twitter earlier today was the hashtag #ThingsIWontApologizeFor. To me this seemed like a very silly hashtag, and naturally I wanted to see what this conversation was all about. A lot of what people were tweeting about included not apologizing for being themselves. #ThingsIWontApologizeFor (and you shouldn't either) — Kait 🌈 || 43 […]

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