Top 10 tweets for this semester

My klout score rose from 20 to 42 this semester and here are the top 10 tweets.

I got 143 impressions and 2 engagements on this tweet about Game of Throne. This topic is popular on twitter especially when the trailer came out. The content is timely and because everyone wants to dig out more from the trailer. However, the audience of the tweet is narrow, only those who follow this show would be interested in this tweet.

I got 166 impressions and 15 engagements on this tweet. This is a tweet collection about Chinese new year. I poste it on super bowl weekend and twitter is all about the game, so I posted something different and really important for my culture. The engagement was pretty good maybe because I have some Asian follower on twitter who would like to engage with this topic.

This was my first time to do #followfriday and this popular tag on twitter helped me got 172 impressions and 4 engagements. I introduced one female war reporter and most of my followers are in or will be working in media industry so they would be interested in this topic. Besides, female war reporter is a quite intriguing topic.

I got 173 impressions and 11 engagements on this tweet. This twitter includes the pictures, which made the content straightforward and easy to understand. The content about weather is very easy to get some feedback from people in Syracuse, so most of my engagements are from people around me.

This tweet has 184 impressions and 3 engagements. It also includes a picture so the content is easy to understand. I captured an unnoticeable corner at Newhouse and at least half of my followers are from Newhouse, so it got relative high scores.

This twitter got 186 impressions but 0 engagement. People like gif because it reveals more information than just a picture, but I also need to work more on the content other than just relying on the visual elements to get more engagement. Another reason behind the low engagement is this is a twitter using the old content, so the audiences have already seen the gif before and they may not want to interact again.

This is the first tweet I posted with #NHsmtp. This tag helped me get 193 impressions and 10 engagements. It’s pretty clear that with the help of tag, it’s easier for people to find you and increase the possibility of getting engagement.

This was the first time I used gif on twitter and I got 222 impressions and 11 engagements. It was something related to weather and sports, which was neutral and most people like to talk about. Besides, according to media richness theory, gif is more likely to communicate information, so this tweet comes to Top 3.

This tweet got 244 impressions and 20 engagements. First of all, I retweeted from an account has many followers so it’s easier for the followers of Nieman Lab to spot me. Secondly, the is a topic that I’m interested and the industry has been talking about for a while, the timing is really important.

Top 1 tweet got 464 impressions and 17 engagements. Clearly people live something exciting, unusual and positive. Compared to Facebook and Instagram, people don’t usually share their personal life on twitter, it’s more about information communication and professional side. So sometimes the highlight of life can get lots of attention.

In conclusion, picture, video and gif can get more impressions on Twitter than just text. Engaging in hot tags or topics can also get more engagements. Timing is another important element, following the latest news or current trends can increase the possibility of getting attentions.

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