What’s Up With Madison’s Ultimatum?

One thought on “What’s Up With Madison’s Ultimatum?

  1. Hi! Great job, guys! As a member of #BachelorNation, I loved watching this video! Even though the season has been over for a few weeks now, I am still in shock at all that unfolded in the last few episodes, especially with Maddie as you discussed. When this season was still airing, Maddie got a lot of backlash from viewers because they A) don’t think she should’ve put Peter in that situation/given him an ultimatum, as Luke P did with Hannah B last season, and B) are okay with and understand her beliefs, but don’t think she should have participated on the show as she knows what occurs in the Fantasy Suites. I, for one, understand where Maddie is coming from and respect her views, and I believe there is no reason why she should not participate on this show and find love just because of her religious beliefs. All she did was simply tell him that if he was intimate with other women, it would be difficult for her to stay. Aside from religion, don’t people want loyalty in a relationship anyway?? Obviously it would hurt her to find out if he was intimate with other women regardless of whether her religion played a role or not. Anyway, I think you both did a great job discussing what happened on the show and why this became a trending topic. Though I watched this as it aired and am a fan of The Bachelor franchise, I think that if I hadn’t watched it, this video would have given me a great idea as to what was going on. Great job, guys!

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