Influencer Growth and Analysis

I had originally created a new Twitter account solely for class, since I had deleted my previous Twitter account two years ago. I started off with zero followers at the beginning of the semester, and ended up with 13 followers and 25 following. 90% of my followers are my peers from class, and the 25 […]

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Influence Growth & Analysis

Growing up in a generation where social media was so prominent, personally Twitter was never my most used platform. I had a profile in high school just because everyone else did, however it was used just as a popularity contest to tweet what you were doing and who you were hanging out with. By the […]

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INFLUENCE I started the semester with 311 followers on my Twitter account I’ve had for a few years. Now, at the end of the semester, I have 386 followers, which is a 24% increase. Most of the followers I started off with were a lot of people I know from home and from here, but […]

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My Social Brand Growth

Growing My Social Brand: My Twitter and Instagram Influence Growth & Analysis My professional Twitter has grown from 79 followers to 108 followers, growing 38%. My Twitter following is comprised mostly of Newhouse students and some communications industry professionals. The likes and comments came from close friends and colleagues. My network is still growing, but I […]

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Influencer Growth Analysis

PART ONE: Started: 0 Currently: 28 followers % Of growth = 28% Over the semester I knew it was going to be a challenge to gain followers while starting from none. In the beginning I started to follow a lot of my peers from class because a lot of us were in the same position. […]

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