It’s the show everyone cannot stop talking about, Tiger King. I haven’t spoken to one person that hasn’t watched it or heard of it, and I can’t scroll through my social media without seeing conspiracy theories and thoughts on the documentary. As portrayed through these 6 tweets, most people are talking about Carol Baskin- the animal rights activist that everyone thinks fed her husband to tigers. 4/6 of these tweets express hatred and blame towards Baskin, and admiration towards Joe Exotic. The other 2 tweets portray another side of the story- the fact that there are a handful of individuals in the show that committed inhumane acts that should bring up the same amount of hate Baskin is getting. Perhaps the overwhelming amount of hatred towards Baskin compared to the men in the show is due to the fact that Baskin is the only woman with a main role in the story. The majority of the media is responding to the show by praising Joe and the other zoo keepers craziness, and hating on Baskin’s craziness. The first two tweets acknowledge the entire cast of the show being problematic. The last 4 ignore everyone else’s wrong doing, expect Baskin, putting all blame on her.
Reminder that Jeff Lowe sucks. #TigerKing
— PETA (@peta) April 13, 2020
Confused as to how y’all can watch a documentary about animal abuse & exploitation, grooming of minors, rape, manipulating straight men, euthanising tiger cubs,the hiring of a hitman against a woman yet your take away message is to hate Carole Baskin and her rescue… #TigerKing
— åłvārö (@alvaro_f01) April 12, 2020
Quarantine gift from Cally. Wearing them my first day back at work. #tigerking
— Moosey (@MooseTown23) April 13, 2020
So wrong on so many levels.
— Chad Anderson (@1legchad) April 14, 2020
Was sent this from a friend in the Midwest
— Alix Exotic (@kicksNketo) April 13, 2020
That bitch. #TigerKing
— Joe Broadfoot (@jbrdft) April 13, 2020