Semester of Influence

Throughout the period of this course, I have learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t work in terms of engagement growth on social media. I have seen how being consistent and staying true to my voice and tone can increase impressions on my posts. Over the semester, I have only gained 10 followers […]

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Justin Glowacki Twitter Analysis

Followers: Beginning of semester: 97 followers End of semester: 113 followers 14.15% growth Total impressions this semester: 198,599   What worked for me? Most of my top tweets this semester were funny responses to celebrities, but I didn’t include the class hashtag on any of them. On the homework assignment posts, my most popular ones […]

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Influence Growth and Analysis

During this semester, I have been able to expand my social media presence on a number of platforms, including Twitter. At the beginning of this semester, I only had 5 followers on my Twitter account, as it was an account that had been inactive for years. However, using the tactics I learned throughout this course, […]

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My 10 Greatest Hits on Twitter

At the start of COM 427, I had a Twitter follower count of 783; however, by the semester’s end, I have amassed 829 followers, growing my audience by 46 followers in only 2 months. Through the utilization of rich media, derivative meme formats, and precise tonality in my language, I was able to receive high […]

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Influence Growth & Analysis

Part 1: Influence Over the past 3 months, I found that I have gained 15 followers. I started with 20, and ended up having 35. That means that my growth percentage is 75% from the start of this semester to the end of the semester! As far as engagements and impressions go, I have earned […]

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Influence Growth and Analysis

This semester, I grew in many different ways in the social media community. I started using Twitter for the first time since 2014, and even then I never really tweeted or looked at it. I had 22 followers on Twitter when I started this class, and I ended up with 33 followers. That is a […]

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