Influence Growth & Analysis

Influence: Twitter Follower Growth Start of the course: 7 followers End of the course: 42 followers Percentage of growth: 83% I think what worked for me early on was the amount of posts we were asked to compose. The assignments were fun to do and they gave me the opportunity to think outside the box. […]

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Influencer Growth and Analysis

I had originally created a new Twitter account solely for class, since I had deleted my previous Twitter account two years ago. I started off with zero followers at the beginning of the semester, and ended up with 13 followers and 25 following. 90% of my followers are my peers from class, and the 25 […]

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Influence Growth & Analysis

Growing up in a generation where social media was so prominent, personally Twitter was never my most used platform. I had a profile in high school just because everyone else did, however it was used just as a popularity contest to tweet what you were doing and who you were hanging out with. By the […]

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INFLUENCE I started the semester with 311 followers on my Twitter account I’ve had for a few years. Now, at the end of the semester, I have 386 followers, which is a 24% increase. Most of the followers I started off with were a lot of people I know from home and from here, but […]

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My Social Brand Growth

Growing My Social Brand: My Twitter and Instagram Influence Growth & Analysis My professional Twitter has grown from 79 followers to 108 followers, growing 38%. My Twitter following is comprised mostly of Newhouse students and some communications industry professionals. The likes and comments came from close friends and colleagues. My network is still growing, but I […]

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