Influence Growth & Analysis

Influence At the beginning of the semester (January 13th), I started off with 6 followers and by the end of the semester (April), I have 44 followers. Therefore, my percentage of growth was 633%. When looking at my growth per month, I noticed that the more I tweeted, the more impressions and profile visits I […]

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Influence Growth

Influence Social media has always been my creative outlet. I have enjoyed taking photos and expressing myself through Instagram, as well as speaking my thoughts and sharing humorous memes on Twitter. Over the course of the semester, I have been able to learn and adapt new skills to enhance my social media platforms through my […]

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Influence Growth & Analysis

By: Caitlin Johnston Part 1: Influence Beginning Twitter followers: 335 Ending Twitter followers: 349 Percentage of growth: 4.2% While my percentage of growth was relatively low, I was never really active or strategic with my Twitter before this class. I didn’t (and still kind of don’t) like using Twitter. Through the work we did in […]

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Influence Growth & Analysis

Influence Throughout the semester,  I learnt a lot about Twitter, Twitter analytics, and ways to be efficient when posting or searching. I definitely feel much more comfortable with Twitter now, and feel I understand it much better. I started a brand new account at the beginning of the semester, with 0 followers. I now have […]

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Semester of Influence

Throughout the period of this course, I have learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t work in terms of engagement growth on social media. I have seen how being consistent and staying true to my voice and tone can increase impressions on my posts. Over the semester, I have only gained 10 followers […]

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Justin Glowacki Twitter Analysis

Followers: Beginning of semester: 97 followers End of semester: 113 followers 14.15% growth Total impressions this semester: 198,599   What worked for me? Most of my top tweets this semester were funny responses to celebrities, but I didn’t include the class hashtag on any of them. On the homework assignment posts, my most popular ones […]

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