From the beginning to the end of class. #growth #klout #NHsmtp
— Ashley Moore (@MooreAshleyE) May 9, 2017
When I first started this class, I barely used twitter so I didn’t know how to properly engage with those who weren’t following me. But by adding media and hashtags, it increased my engagement and followers as you see above.
This post, I tweeted an event. I had also just really started using twitter, so only 1 like.
32nd Annual Martin Luther King dinner in the Carrier Dome! #NHsmtp #syracuse
— Ashley Moore (@MooreAshleyE) January 29, 2017
I tried to convey how millennials get their news from social media. Only one like
Breaking news via #socialmedia #NHsmtp
— Ashley Moore (@MooreAshleyE) February 1, 2017
This was me quote tweeting an engagement with one of my top followers
— Ashley Moore (@MooreAshleyE) February 16, 2017
I got 4 likes on this post because using the GIF feature gave my twitter some personality.
Grad school is so stressful! #newhouse #NHsmtp
— Ashley Moore (@MooreAshleyE) February 16, 2017
3 likes and one RT, my followers enjoy motivational messages.
A little motivation for this Thursday morning.. #nhsmtp
— Ashley Moore (@MooreAshleyE) February 16, 2017
3 retweets because EVERYONE was tweeting the same video, so my TL was flooded.
ICYMI: Carrier Dome fans caught dramatic smartphone footage of the buzzer-beating 3-pointer! – via @ESPN App #NHsmtp
— Ashley Moore (@MooreAshleyE) February 23, 2017
This brought some DBZ fans to my engagements, letting me know there was an actual black Goku and this wasn’t him.
If you're a fan of #DragonBallZ Black Goku was out in full force in Vegas for #springbreak… #nhsmtp
— Ashley Moore (@MooreAshleyE) March 23, 2017
I got the most engagements from this tweet because Terrance retweeted me and bought some of his followers to my page.
Most exciting thing about my day, @TeenVogue 's #socialmedia specialist @Terr speaking to our class in #Newhouse #nhsmtp
— Ashley Moore (@MooreAshleyE) March 30, 2017
I did a news story on a dairy farm so I thought I’d tweet about it to get my followers ready for the actual story. Not many engagements.
Let's just say steer clear when cows are being milked or you might get sprayed…
— Ashley Moore (@MooreAshleyE) April 13, 2017
2 likes, I could’ve added some more hashtags because I thought this one would be one with high engagements.
It's that time of the year when you accidentally start missing assignments, simply because #distewmuch #NHsmtp
— Ashley Moore (@MooreAshleyE) April 13, 2017
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