How People Actually React To Memes

Objective My meme reaches at least 100 views on Imgur. Background My meme was inspired by two memes that I put together. One meme being the “white people” meme: a blanket generalization statement about silly things white people do. The other the “absolutely/literally no one” meme: this idea that even without a trigger a person […]

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Do You Believe Everything You Read?

For years, I’ve heard the phrase “you can’t believe everything you read”. Though this phrase originally applied to untrustworthy information in print media, in current times it’s most applicable to information shared via social media. Facebook has been at the forefront of this investigation of the spread of false information, which was put on the […]

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Is this thing on?

I was very skeptical when I first joined social media. With hundreds of different outlets, not only was I overwhelmed, but I struggled to see the appeal; in my mind, they all did the same thing. But I couldn’t be more wrong. The more I learned about the proper Instagram filters and what constituted a […]

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There’s something ironic about live tweeting, and snapchat stories. They’re all about living in the moment and using technology to share those moments with others- but when you really think about it, they’re about being anywhere but where you are. I took a trip across Europe and I realized that because of social media I rarely live in the […]

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Kim Kardashian Goes Topless and it’s Called “Trendy.” I Go Shirtless and it’s Called Creepy

The MTV Video Music Awards are on but I’m not home to watch and Twitter has all the updates from the red carpet. There has been a bombing at the Istanbul international airport and I can’t reach my friend traveling to Turkey but Facebook notified me she is safe. These are just two examples of […]

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