How People Actually React To Memes

Objective My meme reaches at least 100 views on Imgur. Background My meme was inspired by two memes that I put together. One meme being the “white people” meme: a blanket generalization statement about silly things white people do. The other the “absolutely/literally no one” meme: this idea that even without a trigger a person […]

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Influence Growth & Analysis

By: Caitlin Johnston Part 1: Influence Beginning Twitter followers: 335 Ending Twitter followers: 349 Percentage of growth: 4.2% While my percentage of growth was relatively low, I was never really active or strategic with my Twitter before this class. I didn’t (and still kind of don’t) like using Twitter. Through the work we did in […]

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Viral Video Conclusion and Report

Who Can Relate? Monday vs. Friday BuzzFeed BFF #NHBuzzFeed Posted by Jacqueline Kane on Wednesday, November 29, 2017   Background: I wanted to do something that was relatable to everyone. In developing the idea for this meme, I thought a good topic idea would be x vs. reality. And then I decided to make Instagram […]

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It Go Down in the DM, and All Over the World

Hi, I’m Ryan, and I have slid into a girl’s DM’s before.

It started off in fittingly juvenile fashion. Two of my classmates approached me during my high school journalism class. “Hey Pike, [redacted] said she thinks you’re cute.”

[Redacted]? She was a senior and I was a sophomore. This was crazy. I didn’t believe them at first, but by the end of our conversation, I was convinced. I had to talk to her, but I didn’t know how to.

So, 15-year-old me slid himself into her Twitter direct messages. Just another simple example of how social media has the power to bring the world together.

Of course, social media has the ability to bring together more than just two teenagers who might know of each other but not actually know each other. It’s a powerful tool that has brought the whole world closer.

When I studied in Madrid last Fall, it was easier than ever to share photos and details from my trip with everyone who would be interested in seeing them.

I didn’t have to wait until the trip ended to share fun photos or write letters home to share details. Instead, I had instant gratification on Twitter and Instagram from friends and family who, in a sense, were experiencing the trip with me. That was pretty cool, especially for my parents who have never left North America. To me, that’s a clear illustration of how social media has changed the world and brought it closer together.


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Get a load of OpinionatedRay!

I’ve been a Twitter user for about seven years. Goodness, that’s a long time. I  started using it to vent, literally vent about college life, boys and more boys. Originally my name was @newyork_6 or something like that;lame, I know. But my best friend came up with a better name that suited me, my voice and my […]

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