How People Actually React To Memes

Objective My meme reaches at least 100 views on Imgur. Background My meme was inspired by two memes that I put together. One meme being the “white people” meme: a blanket generalization statement about silly things white people do. The other the “absolutely/literally no one” meme: this idea that even without a trigger a person […]

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Influence Growth & Analysis

By: Caitlin Johnston Part 1: Influence Beginning Twitter followers: 335 Ending Twitter followers: 349 Percentage of growth: 4.2% While my percentage of growth was relatively low, I was never really active or strategic with my Twitter before this class. I didn’t (and still kind of don’t) like using Twitter. Through the work we did in […]

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Two Sides and the Truth: #FireFauci

The hashtag #FireFauci started on April 13th after President Trump retweeted a tweet. Fauci is the lead scientist in the fight against COVID-19. Some of his supporters agree with the idea that Fauci should be fired, while others believe firing him would cause chaos. Some of Trump’s supporters are blindly following his lead. Anyone else […]

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Sorry but not sorry

Trending on twitter earlier today was the hashtag #ThingsIWontApologizeFor. To me this seemed like a very silly hashtag, and naturally I wanted to see what this conversation was all about. A lot of what people were tweeting about included not apologizing for being themselves. #ThingsIWontApologizeFor (and you shouldn't either) — Kait 🌈 || 43 […]

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Charlie Murphy: Put Some Respeck on His Name, Not His Brother’s.

Today, we lost a legendary comedian Murphy, yet somehow it was also his brother’s day. When Eddie Murphy impersonated his brother lmaooo #RIPCharlieMurphy — Kip Smithers (@Nicktheegr8) April 12, 2017 Charlie Murphy, comedian and brother of Eddie Murphy, dead at 57 — New York Daily News (@NYDailyNews) April 12, 2017 Yet, fans were […]

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There’s something ironic about live tweeting, and snapchat stories. They’re all about living in the moment and using technology to share those moments with others- but when you really think about it, they’re about being anywhere but where you are. I took a trip across Europe and I realized that because of social media I rarely live in the […]

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