Viral Content Challenge

Background: Krampus is an Alpine folklore. He is the half-goat, half demon counterpart to St. Nicholas. He punishes and kidnaps the children on the naughty list as St. Nicholas gives the good children candy. Krampus and St. Nicholas come on December 5th which is during the campaign timeline, and there is plenty of Krampus merchandise […]

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New Years Destiny and Fast Food

Background This post was inspired by the love of fast food and binge eating during finals week and was developed and targeted to all those who fear their New Year’s Even plans next month. While there is a whole month to plan, many people are stressing how they will celebrate now and confirming their travel […]

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#NYC Viral Content Challenge

Background New York natives would just die if they found out that they looked like a tourist in their own city. This personality quiz will put any fears about that being a reality to rest. It’ll also show those who hope to move to the Big Apple how much brushing up on culture they need […]

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Marketing Plan for Viral Challenge Part II: How to Cope with The Post-Thanksgiving Blues

Background: I created a comforting and funny BuzzFeed community post. It shows people how to cope with dealing with the reality of heading back to school and work after Thanksgiving holiday. Objective: The main objective of this plan is to track and analyze the steps taken in order to create a viral BuzzFeed community post. […]

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Viral Content Challenge: The 6 Stages Of Studying For Finals

Background Finals week is a rough time for students. Every year we know it’s coming, yet we always seem to feel absurdly unprepared for the exams that will weigh heavily on our grades. All students go through similar stages: confidence and determination, realization and shock, procrastination, evaluation of options, acceptance, and victory and relief. College […]

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Viral Content Challenge Analysis: 16 Moments That Will Satisfy Every Perfectionist


As a perfectionist myself, I have recognized my propensity to find gratification in serendipitously perfect situations and frustration with things that just not quite good enough. This campaign is a collection of photos and videos that speak to those satisfyingly perfect situations




This assignment will allow me to develop skills in audience identification, viral content creation, social media marketing, distributed content, engagement, and analytics. The objective of this campaign is to connect with an audience who can identify with the Type A perfectionist side of their personality, whether big or small, through gratification in perfect everyday situations.



Twitter Post:



Twitter Webcard Engagement:



BuzzFeed Dashboard:




Overall, I would deem the campaign a success. The post was picked up by the BuzzFeed Community editors — first promoted to the Community front page and then to the BuzzFeed homepage two days later. The post topped out at about 148,000 total views. I think this post worked well because of its relatability and its well curated material. Each image or video contains subtle “perfectionisms” that appeal to both the organized Type A personality and the laid back Type B personality.

Outside of BuzzFeed, across other social media platforms, Facebook by far generated the most views for the post at 35,098 compared to Twitter’s 161 — despite paid promotion on Twitter and no personal promotion on Facebook. In adjusting for later campaigns, if I scheduled additional tweets and built them into my Twitter campaign, I would have been able to generate more traffic via Twitter and in turn more clicks to the BuzzFeed post.




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